The look that Valeria had given Nessie earlier during her assessment of the patrol teams had not gone over the girl's head, and though she wasn't sure what the exact nature of that look had been, being herself she'd taken it as a challenge to be prepared for the evening to come. And so, though she'd been intending to take a long break after the long patrol of the night before, after a couple of hours of napping the Scot rose with fire from her bed, an energy which she carried over once she reached the Training Facility. It seemed a slightly odd place to Nessie, filled with junk, scrap and debris, not exactly what you'd call well kept. From the central arena she could just about make out a few faces up in the viewing stalls, including Ozma and her trademark red hair, as well as a couple of others- both familiar and unfamiliar. The majority of those in the room were stood at her side however, various members from the two patrol groups. Almost everyone, if not everyone, had shown up it seemed. Mind you, given what she'd seen of Valeria earlier, she wouldn't want to be caught skiving off her class. With Valeria's arrival to address the students from on top of a scrap heap, it now quickly became clear why exactly they were gathered in what essentially seemed to be a glorified junkyard. There was surprise, wonderment and anticipation in Nessie's eyes as the stern yet odd German Magical Girl sculpted a foe with her powers, creating complicated mechanisms from the junk strewn about the chamber to create a large metal foe. A fusion between a hornet and some kind of bear towered over the group, a mechanical monster that seemed to mimic a Pageless in its nature and build. And, like with many activities Nessie had partaken in so far during her time in the world of Magical Girls, the key was teamwork. Once Valeria's explanation was over, as the walls of the scrapyard rose up to keep the battle as contained as possible, Nessie brought out her Grimoire, her uniform glowing before morphing into her witch attire. The Lady of the Lake was ready, and though the mention of explosive rounds added to the mix was a surprise for her, she at least had her broom to help with her mobility. And lucky she did as well, the metal Pageless' first attack coming fast right out of the gate, dirt and debris tossed hazardously around as the deadly drill bore its way towards the girls. [color=f7941d]"Shit!"[/color] The Scot exclaimed her surprise in the way that came most naturally to her, hastily hopping onto her broom before zipping off in the nick of time, swerving around to the mechanical beast's side. Separated from the others in the party as she was, Nessie was fairly confident she could pull this off with them, just so long as she paid attention to when they all were attacki- [color=f7941d]"Fuck, they're attacking!"[/color] Nessie's colourful language came out once again in a panicked spurt as she realised, a little late, that the rest of the group had already sent their attacks towards that vulnerable glowing core Valeria had referenced before. It was ok though, there was still time to send her own attack into the fray, especially with how quick her water spells usually travelled. Hurriedly she focussed her energy, pulling her hands back before forcefully thrusting them forward, and...! Nothing, well, barely anything. A small spurt that you might see from a dodgy garden hose spluttered out towards the junkyard amalgamation, pattering uselessly against its armoured shell. What Nessie hadn't realised nor taken into account was that, as opposed to the environment she'd been in only hours before during the storm, there was no water in the training facility she could use to aide or boost her attacks. Her fight with the wraith Pageless had made her cocky; if she wanted to produce anything close to as powerful as she'd conjured up then, she'd need time and focus. [color=f7941d]"You have got to be taking the pi-"[/color] For now though, all she was getting was a sharp impact with the large pile of scrap Valeria had used as a standing podium, her lack of attention to her surroundings after her surprisingly disappointing display coming back to whack her across the face, quite literally. Her broom flung to the side, a small bruised lump quickly began to form on Nessie's forehead after she'd acquainted herself with a now slightly dented steel bar, leaving her temporarily vulnerable to attack. [color=f7941d]"Uh, guys, I need a wee bit of help!"[/color] Nessie scrambled nervously in place, afraid to move in case she fell off the scrapheap, but afraid to stand still like a sitting duck for the mechanical beast to take its drill to.