[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rGLuY96.png[/img] [color=PeachPuff]“So many bed, no time for sleep."[/color] [color=888888]— Su Fang[/color][/center] [sub][@SilverPaw][@Majoras End][/sub] Was the descent slow, or was it long? Su reported to Jacqueline periodically as the elevator made its descent. She was expecting the power to cut out, or maybe something to greet her at the bottom of the stairs, but but the last thing she was expecting was bed frames. Was this really the work of Von Carnage or his goons? It seemed like Justin was the sort who liked to flex his power with every encounter he was behind. Cobra Gang were equipped with military grade weapons, and the fight in the foyer was meticulously planned. It was a little hard to believe that planning for GEMINI’s involvement with the clinic boiled down to creating a crude barrier out of beds. Where did the beds even come from? Were they taken from the resting quarters upstairs? If they had been, it couldn’t have been done with the elevator. Not if this was done in response to their arrival at least. The only exception was if they had a monster or esper on hand that could move everything via a portal or some other magical means. But even so, were aluminum bed frames a worthwhile defense against espers? It wasn’t adding up. It was time to check in again. [color=PeachPuff]“At bottom floor. Seems to be blocked with beds. Yes, beds.”[/color] Su could hardly believe it, so she repeated just to make sure their communication was clear. [color=PeachPuff]“Be ready, may need help if trap. Maybe wait on top of elevator? Probably faster than me coming back up.”[/color] Though so had one other idea for this. If the beds weren’t a trap, maybe they weren’t there to keep her out. Maybe they were there to keep something or someone else in. It did seem like a difficult barrier for a human to break, but a monster would just crush something like this. She took her shield and shoved it into the bedframes. She wasn’t really trying to get through, just get the attention of whatever was on the other side. If they were being watched, someone already knew she was here anyway. [color=PeachPuff]“Hey!”[/color] Su swat the beds again. [color=PeachPuff]“Anyone over there?”[/color] Of course, Su could only gently "knock" without response for so long. They needed to investigate everything, and that included the opposite side of this barrier. [hider=Su] [center]32 | Female | Gemini | Steel Gaze Bipartisan | Handgun, Greatshield | Physical | Blast Zone Dragon Breacher | Kevlar Vest Debris | Wind | Locally Sourced [Storm, Flight], Push, Pull, Construct, Purify, Restrain, Damage DAMAGE: C | SPEED: E | SENTINEL: B | 500 PHYSICAL: D | ARCANE: D | CHAOS: C | 452[/center] [/hider] [hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/UIqPsWe.png[/img] [color=75c159]”I never liked Nintendo anyway.”[/color] [color=888888]— Luna Gallo [/color][/center] Was Luna buckled up? Luna had asked Lenny to pull around to the passenger side of the vehicle so that she could lop a transplace melody at them. Her reason for opening the door hadn’t been exclusively to bait out a shot, but to put the person she traded places with in a more precarious spot. After all, what sense did it make to teleport with someone who was armed and [i]also[/i] be buckled up behind your getaway partner? In hindsight, probably a smooth brain move. The Patriot was struck. Probably one of the few good things about the patriot was its side impact score. Not that Luna was really concerned about the condition of the rolling turd. She was shoved back into the patriot, only for centrifugal force to fling her out moments later when the vehicle began spinning. She gripped Pit Boss tight, as it was the only way she might get out of this mess alive. She fired a giant die at the ground, the [b]recoil[/b] of which launched her higher into the air. Being in the air longer meant that she could starve off death for a few seconds, but that was just delaying the inevitable. The die was there to help with that. Rather than fly off into the ground, the die curved around and smacked into Luna. The melody itself slowed her down, attempting to [b]suspend[/b] her in place. But Luna had intentionally made the melody weak enough to not remove all of her momentum, but nearly all of it. It was during this slower state of movement that her melody shoved her again, this time pushing her back towards the armored truck. With reduced momentum, her tumble out of the Patriot should be survivable, if a bit rough. [color=75c159]”Crap! And there’s a chopper headed this way too!”[/color] Getting inside the armored truck was no longer a matter of rescuing a friend, it was a way to avoid getting blown apart by a mini gun. Unfortunately, Luna had no way to end the “slow” melody on herself, so she “ran” to the truck as fast as she could. [color=75c159]”Blah!”[/color] She used Pit Boss to blow any lock that might have been on the rear hatch off, and noted its slower rate of fire. Right, of course, her magic was functioning like normal again. [hider=Not Su] [center] 21 | Female | Maverick | Fortune Pit Boss | Staff | Arcane | High Roller Croupier | Graceful Gambit | Gravity | Draw 4 [Weightless, Suspend], Stabilize, Damage, Push, Transplace, Extend, Heal, Zone, Orbit, Recoil DAMAGE: E | SPEED: C | SENTINEL: D | 750 Bronze Self:[Suspend][Push][Recoil] = 96 SPEED DOWN PHYSICAL: E | ARCANE: C | CHAOS: D | 404 (not found) [/center] [/hider]