So there I was, making bios for a bunch of NPC's in my PM's for a future rp I'm working on, when I had the passing thought: "Wait a second, how would the players know all this?" So I had the idea that for this up and coming RP that I'd try something a little different, that being, I'd have the players make their character sheets, but have the backstory section cut out in the OOC section, and have them PM me a complete version with their backstory in it. I would also do this for NPC characters, and reveal it once time has passed, they ask the NPC about their life, hear about it from someone else, etc. To me, it wouldn't make sense for the players to know everyone's life story. I can't walk up to someone and suddenly know everything about their life. I feel like doing something like this would encourage players to interact with each other, as well as the world around them. It might even help to form relationships where you wouldn't originally think to look. Some problems I do have, however, are that it can eliminate starting relationships, and to some might make just seem lazy, or even alienate some players due to its oddity. These fears might be totally unfounded, but it's still something I'm wary of. Though I suppose there is a solution for the first problem by merely having two (or more) players say something like "Hey I like your character, do you want to have our characters know each other?" And then they can send each other the relevant information to perhaps add some more details into their backstory, or even just to start off knowing someone. What do you guys think? Does this sound like something interesting and different? Or do you think that it seems pointless, and to just rely on suspension of disbelief? Or perhaps something in-between? Let me know what you think?