That's great, Crimson. Approved! And great eye, Rin! Digi-Destined Name: Clara Mitchell Gender: Female Age: 12 Description/Picture: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Partner: Hyokomon Crest: Personality: Clara is an friendly, excitable kinda of girl. She often gets so excited that she embarrasses herself. She is pretty absent-minded. She's not dumb, but she gets distracted very easily. She enjoys drawing and the summer season, so most of her drawings end up being of beaches and such. She has always wanted a pet but her sisters have bad allergies. She hates the cold, the color white and rodents. Her athletic skills are fairly bad. She wants to go to art school when she's old enough. Background: Clara is from Florida and she loves it! She was raised by her parents and has twin younger sisters. While her family was usually struggling with finances, they greatly encourage their daughters to pursue any talent that they have. Clara is in middle school and is well-liked but not popular. Her best friend is Garrett and they have been friends since 2nd grade. The idea that her parents are going to be relocated to Maine weighs heavy on her. Digimon Name: Hyokomon Digivolutions: [url=]Chicchimon[/url] -- Hyokomon -- [url=]Buraimon[/url] -- [url=]Butenmon[/url] Gender: Female Description/Picture: [img][/img] Abilities/Powers: Cleaving Cut -- Swallow Duet Reverse -- Dance of the Sun Personality: Hyokomon is an excitable Digimon, much like her new partner. She is a little more focused, however. Hyokomon loves to train with her sword and dreams of being a great warrior. She does wish that she could fly better, though. Then again, she is just generally more clumsy than she would like. She can be a bit too eager to fight and show her stuff. Hyokomon is a bit loud at times when stressed. She likes to meditate as often as she can. She grows more mellow and stoic as she Digivolves.