I think I did this right [hider=Kushizu Ienari] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/c2/55/20/c25520fe2732c79c2c9af2a7442ea9e1--naruto-boys-naruto-oc-male.jpg[/img] Name: Kushizu Ienari Character description: The only child of two missing-nin from the Land of Water. For years they traveled from place to place, never staying in one place for too long. While Kushizu loved his parents, at times, he would have mixed feelings about what they did during jobs. It was near Konohagakure that the family was ambushed by Hunter-nin and while Kushizu was spared. His parents were killed and as per custom. His parents' heads were removed, and their bodies were cremated on the spot. When faced with the question of what to do with Kushizu. They suggested that he head to Konohagakure and after pointed in its direction. They left, leaving a crying Kushizu who mourned his parents' death for a time and then headed to Konohagakure after swearing vengeance on the ones that killed his parents. Where he was discovered by its people and sent to the orphanage when they learned he was an orphan. There Kushizu did not reveal the full details of his parent's death as he thought people would be mean to him if they learned his parents were missing-nin. So he was distant from his fellow orphans and would show potential as a shinobi and enroll at the academy. Now seeking to start his training to be a full-fledged shinobi and hopes to make his parents proud and maybe find out who killed his parents. Nature release: Water Main jutsu: Water Release: Gunshot, Water Release: Azure Dragon Palm, Water Release: Barrier and Water Blade Flaws/points of focus: Very weak when it comes to Genjutsu and due to specializing in water techniques, he seeks to diversity his techniques as to have options when his water techniques fail. Ninjutsu: 4 Taijutsu: 3 Genjutsu: 1 Intelligence: 3 Strength: 3 Speed: 2 Stamina: 4 Hand Seals: 4 Total Ability: 4 Latent Potential: 4 [/hider]