"I would say it was smart, but that implies you have a choice." Kaiden said, lowering his gun and pulling the man forward to get detained by the strike team behind him. He and Sabatine cleared the hallway, his right and her left. Kaiden had always felt strange in pressurized suits, but he had spent enough time in basic to keep himself going without much complaint. Howarth presented the intel they could gleam from the alliance spacer that the rest of his crew was down the hall to the right. "Armed?" Kaiden asked. "He says no, but..." "Right," the prince said, leveling his firearm with Sabatine right on his heels. He didn't know why, but somehow he felt comfortable with him having his back more than any of his men, despite his trust in them. He supposed he knew her well enough to make that judgement. Ex-Lovers did not tend to get along because they found they knew the other [i]too well[/i]. "Cover our asses, Higgs." To his surprise, Kaiden had suspected they would have to take a few extra turns and possibly get turned around thanks to the size of the ship, but the crewman was right. A quarter of a click straight right sent them to the blast doors of a pressurized chamber that opened up to reveal a crew of seven disheveled alliance crew, along with two wounded who had shrapnel in their abdomens. One female alliance medic pulled a knife, but only so far as a honed reaction. No guns were raised, and there were none Kaiden could see. "We surrender," the lieutenant said. He was an older man, not elderly but getting up in years. He had a black mane and beard that would suit a civilian far more, but Kaiden didn't pretend to know alliance protocol. He held his head high, unflinching from the trained guns. "Please, just help my men." "Are there any more aboard?" Kaiden asked, stepping closer, eyes glancing at the crew. The room looked to be made for storage, hard ground and no place to sit save for locked steel crates. "I don't know. This was all that I could find." The lieutenant remarked. His breathing was audible. Kaiden guessed he was hiding hope behind his calm facade. "Will you look through the ship?" "We'll take your wounded." Kaiden commanded, two of his men already hustling over to gather them up. The two alliance medics helped them with the stretchers. "You send two of yours to search the ship for anyone else. If they aren't back in twenty, or if they come back with anything besides another, unarmed crewmember, this all goes south very quickly. If you attempt anything, even if you're able to take me or any of my crew hostage, my crew on deck will leave us to cold oblivion regardless of the consequences. Cooperate and you'll be unhurt." The lieutenant calmly blinked, and then lowered his hands. "Well, you didn't need to lay it on so thick." He remarked, and sent two of the survivors to go search the remainder of the ship.