Master General Hardy sat still as he attempted to comprehend how quickly Forrest was able to raid the Wharf by himself and able to take out nearly all of Jonton's lackeys and Jonton himself while appearing unharmed. The mention of an Elite Four member would have shocked him more if it wasn't Tristan, specifically. Still, he was confused that Tristan would even be there since he never called for the Elite Four's assistance in this matter. "Master General, Mr. Aeros is here to see you," a voice said through a box on his desk. The Master General's eyes widened even more and looked as if they'd pop out of his skull if he peeled back his lids any further. It took a moment but he leaned over and pushed a button on the box. His eyes never left Forrest who was lazily looking around and at the Masquerain who hadn't settled down entirely yet. "Thank you," he said quietly. The knock on the door startled the Master General. He jumped in his seat with a gasp. It was all so hard to believe. "Yes, come in," he said, though strained to raise his voice with his throat tense and stiff. Forrest was still reclined in the wooden chair with a hand behind his head and his other hand feigning to attempt to calm the Masquerain. A closer look would reveal he was really continuing to play with the Pokemon. His skin looked dewy and his white shirt was draped out of a back pocket in his pants. He didn't turn at the new guest, since he could accurately assume who it was and didn't feel the need to engage in formal introductions. The Master General looked at Tristan for a few moments, his eyes still wide and his mouth slightly agape. He blinked hard and shook his head to compose himself from his bewilderment. "Hello, Mr. Aeros. I appreciate your visit so soon after this event. Please, take a seat," he said and gestured to the only other wooden chair in front of his desk and next to Forrest. He simply waited for Tristan to speak first. He couldn't think of anything else to say at the moment. Tristan didn't appear at all disheveled himself. Another wonder that he was in no way expecting as an outcome from this mission.