Hi! I'm Lunnette, my pronouns are she/her, I'm in my early twenties, and I'm no stranger to Roleplay. I like to write almost anything, but I've been trying to steer clear of fandoms and I also have very little experience with D&D. I don't know how to describe my writing because I hate using terms like "literate", but I can write lots of stuff or nothing at all! At the moment, I'm kind of craving some of that nostalgic cringe of what I might've wrote in high school when I was still a Warriors kid on Skype, but cringe is dead and I know because killed it! ᕙ( ~ . ~ )ᕗ I work at a shoe store and I also attend university for Premed, but I'm currently on break from one of those. In my free time, I like to support my favorite small creators on Twitch, go for runs, watch drama unfold in The Sims community, make Spotify playlists, and I'll be starting lessons for the guitar very soon. I also shamelessly spend a lot of time on Tapas and A03 reading as much queer content as I can. (✿☯‿☯✿) OK, I'm done rambling now. I'm going to go look around and see what I can find. If anyone could tell me one cool fun fact about themselves, though, I think we could turn this into a pretty fun topic! (✿ヘᴥヘ) That's totally optional though, so I'll just take your lovely warm welcomes too! Bye now!