Years and years of big sister training had led to the mastery of a secret technique; to take up every iota of Han’s personal space without ever actually touching her. Because of course she wouldn’t [i]touch[/i] her dear sweet little sister. That would be [i]wrong.[/i] That would be [i]brutish.[/i] The sort of things the Highlanders [i]used[/i] to do, [i]Han.[/i] She doesn’t budge. She forces her big, dumb sister to practically bend over backwards to advance into new territory, because she’s not giving up a single wilting inch of hers. “Oh? I’m sorry, [i]Mom.[/i]” And years and years of little sister training had led to the mastery of a secret technique; to fit enough biting sarcasm in one word, she could sass a hole in a wall at fifty paces. “I’m still figuring out why [i]arms[/i] are a crime, I didn’t realize the Sapphire Mother hates [i]walking with girls[/i] now too.” (And Sagacious Crane couldn’t have missed that either. How she took two steps into the inn and tossed off her soaked poncho with hardly a care in the world. Leaving her arms bared to the shoulder, glistening in the lantern-light, for all the world to see. Lotus might have missed it. If she hadn’t taken a stealthy peek back towards the front desk. Or maybe several stealthy peeks. And a little bit of staring, as a treat.)