[@Crimson Flame] [@LuckyBlackCat] Here's the basic information for the final starters. You can use this until the art is made to get a feel for what they'll look like/how they may act compared to normal Pokemon. Also, to answer the above question, I'd assume the starters would all be level 5 to begin with, but I'm willing to give some narrative liberties for the sake of keeping the story flowing since calculating actual stats and move damage within the rp would be a much bigger pain than it's worth. Kaidan Dragonite: Due to limited space for nesting in the Calagon Mountains, many of the Dragons engage in combat over the best nesting grounds. Above all the species, Dragonite reigns supreme. Due to the constant battle for space, the Dragonite of Kaida are noticeably more aggressive and territorial than you might find elsewhere (More like Iris' Dragonite in the Anime). In addition, their bodies have adapted to the harsh combat by slimming down, and growing newer, harder, green scales. These new scales are more durable than steel, making them perfect armor for taking hits from other Pokemon that seek to claim their territory. Among the Dragonite, the more of these green scales, the more respect it has amongst the tribe. Kaidan Salamance: While every Salamance dreams of taking flight, sometimes it's not meant to be. Due to their young lacking wings, Salamence packs took to nesting at the base of the Calagon Mountains and crafting vast tunnel networks in the caves. Thanks to living underground, their bodies eventually lost their magnificent wings and took on the appearance of the rocks surrounding them. Essentially making Salamance a 'wingless' dragon. Instead, they traded in their flight for incredible tunneling abilities, being able to dig faster than most pokemon that live underground. Their bodies have even takin on the minerals of the rocks around them, causing the rocks to 'grow' off of their scales. Kaidan Garchomp: There's an old legend about a baby Gible that hatched after its family had returned to the Sinnoh region, thinking the egg was a dud. The Gible struggled against the freezing climate at the peak of its mountain home, nearly dying several times over. This however, was a blessing in disguise as the Gible adapted to the cold, becoming the first Kaidan Garchomp! The Garchomp make their home in the icy peaks of the Calagon Mountains. While many of their appendages have long since frozen, the Garchomp have adapted by replacing them with hardened ice! Namely, the fins and tail all have sharpened ice blades along the edges. To make up for it's cold-blooded nature, the shark Pokémon even developed a heating sac along it's gills to keep it going even in the harshest of blizzards. Despite it's unnerving appearance, it's actually one of the more warmhearted creature you would find in the Kaida Region.