Hello! I am PatientBean, or as my friends like to say, that one guy that hangs around us all the time. Ha, just joking ([s]but not really[/s]) Anyhoodle, I have been RPing for a while now. Started RPing in MMO games, and worked my way through to the posting format and that was cool for a bit. I've been playing some tabletop games too with some focus on roleplaying, so it has always been in my wheelhouse. Lately, the RP itch has been knawing at me and I wanted to find someplace where I could scratch it that didn't eat at my already valuable personal time (those Netflix shows won't binge themselves!). Some personal information if you are into that sort of thing (stalker much?), my name is Nick, I am 31 years old. I am a therapist and clinical responder and work part-time at a popular bookstore chain (you know the one!). Anything else, please feel free to ask! If there is one thing I love talking about, it's myself! Peace!