[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220601/41631c13a4629148054f793cde2d762d.png[/img][/center] George smiled as Oriana gushed about his parents achievements. It fueled his own ego, that one day, somebody would be gushing about him too. [color=red]“Yep, they were awesome! They never told me what the legendary Pokémon is like though. They said it’s something you have to experience for yourself, and words don’t do it justice. That just makes me more hyped to see it for myself!”[/color] Then she said he would have competition to who would get there first. Just like that, the gauntlet was thrown. Competition made George even more fired up. [color=red]“You’re on!”[/color] The Dratini’s roar was pitiful… But it would surely get better once it evolved. Bagon however laughed at him, and let out another roar. “Baaaaaaagon!” George picked up the small dragon. [color=red]“Anyway, it looks like you’re going to be my first dragon. Welcome to the party!”[/color] Another boy came in, and was feeding snacks to the Gible. He introduced himself as Arden. [color=red]“George Pendragon III. Legendary Dargon Tamer in the making. Please tell me you brought snacks for the rest of us…”[/color] George laughed out loud. [color=red]“I’m kidding… Kind of…”[/color] Then, the Professor’s assistant came in sopping wet. Apparently his Floatzel blasted him with a Hydro Pump. George couldn’t help laughing. Afterwards, Rory handed them some items. Pokeballs, official trainer cards, and DexWatches. [color=red]“Neat, free swag!”[/color] After placing the watch on his wrist, George scanned his Bagon. The Bagon was male, and knew the moves Bite, Leer, and Ember. Then the dex announced Bagon’s entry. [quote]“Bagon - The Rock Head Pokémon. With its steel-hard stone head, it headbutts indiscriminately. This is because of the stress it feels at being unable to fly.”[/quote] The Bagon heard this, and immediately got upset about it. He lept out of George’s arms, and headbutted the wall angrily. “Baaaagon!” George ran up to it to try to calm him down. [color=red]“Hey hey, it’s ok little dude. I don’t care that you can’t fly. You’re gonna be the biggest, baddest Salamence there ever was! I’ll help you get stronger. The two of us side by side, we’ll make even that Legendary Dragon tremble in awe!”[/color] George pumped up his fist. Bagon was happy to hear this, and jumped up and down. “Bagon, Bagon!” [color=red]“To start, you’re gonna need a badass name. How does Devastator sound?”[/color] Bagon nodded his approval. “Bagon.” He then turned his attention to the others. [color=red]“So, now that we’re all officially trainers, who wants to be the first battle my little Devastator?”[/color] [@LuckyBlackCat][@Such A Birch] [@TheNoCoKid]