The Master General shook his head as he comprehended all of what Tristan said. "Oh, yes, of course that's why you're here." He opened a drawer in his desk and picked a file from it. "It's not up to date for what's happened today, but this is all the information we have right now regarding his affiliations and movements for the past 2 years. "Special Agent Hawly learned he'd be in the Wharf today, which is why you were called so urgently, Johnson." He walked around the desk and handed the folder to Tristan. "If you'd like to make a copy, please do. Otherwise we'll have a copy sent to you within the week," he added. For information on a single person for two whole years, the folder was relatively small. There were only about two dozen suspects that were thought to lead right to Jonton or that had information regarding his whereabouts at the time. There were 12 individuals with a red stamp on the corner of their file of the word "DEAD" or "MISSING." They were all undercover agents of the Rangers that tried to get close to Jonton. The 13th spy didn't have such a stamp, but the last item recorded for the man was "in Fairfax Hospital with fatal wounds." It appears this man, Bordon Hawly, though that was likely his cover, was the one that was able to determine that he would be in the Wharf on this particular day and only today. There were scrawlings that suggested different plans and strategies as to how to get in there and raid the Wharf. There was a single sheet of paper with a few groups of names with three officers that were all crossed out. A note of "Mauville Attack" or "DENIED" or "REFUSED" were written next to some of them with all of the names crossed out. Forrest's name was at the bottom and it was circled several times. Several leads that were found to be red herrings remained under these initial files. "You're welcome to stay for the interrogation," the Master General said after he let Tristan scan through the file for a minute. He was sat back in his chair and his demeanor was markedly more relaxed now. "Although, you're of course welcome to lead the interrogation, Mr. Aeros," he said and perked up as the revelation washed over him that this would be the perfect opportunity. Both he and Tristan knew well how quick and painless interrogations could be. Minds were typically supple and easily pried open. They both were also intimately aware of those that were capable of sealing their minds closed even when unconscious. The Master General suspected Jonton would land in the latter category despite his brutish appearance. But he knew Tristan had a way with the minds of others and if anyone could find a way, it would be him. After all, Tristan was the one to set the standard of interrogations for the Rangers. He effectively trained all of the Rangers at one point or another. "Hey, if you do, would you mind showing Shaq'ti a few pointers or techniques? I think she'd like that," Forrest said. Damselraed had alit onto Forrest's shoulder and was no longer blowing bubbles or chirping for attention. She still rubbed against Forrest's head and face, but it seemed the man was refocused on the task at hand and knew it wasn't entirely over yet. At least, he knew it'd be foolish to let his guard completely down. "Oh, right. Here," the Master General said and got up and walked toward a cabinet in the corner of the office. He quickly found a beige shirt and tossed it to Forrest who caught it and gave a nod of approval. Forrest put it on as Tristan answered.