[i]Ba-dump[/i] Yes, you have to watch out for the nerdy ones - you really really do. Isabelle smiles, somewhat awkwardly, at the barely concealed want in the other woman's glances. Taking a reflexive gulp of her champagne to moisten a suddenly dry mouth, she tries not to let her imagination run away with exactly what it might be like to be tied at Asil's mercy. [i]Would there be a blindfold? Or a gag? It would be nice at first, or for part of it ...[/i] Did I mention that Isabelle has two masters degrees in engineering and physics? For all the fact that she's here at a fashion show, making political plays and rubbing elbows with journalists, she'd much rather be surrounded by technical documentation and schematics, planning the next upgrades or adjustments to Emberlight. Or at home with a cup of tea and a nice book. [i]Ropes chafe though, silk bindings would be nicer. And the feel of the sheets, that's important ...[/i] Not that there's much time for that. After all, once she's done here she has to return to the Compound for her daily hour of fencing training, and then she needs to review the quarterly financials for Akanis before the Board meeting on Monday. And after that, it's time to meet with her social media advisors to debrief on the initial feedback from tonight's articles. Giving herself a mental shake, Isabelle resolves to limit this diversion to a ... circumspect entry in the allotted fifteen minutes she has to journal her thoughts. [i]Maybe once I've got to know her a bit better.[/i] It's always nice to leave a little bit of hope out there. After all, for Isabelle to put herself entirely at her mercy, it'd only be once she trusted Asil. Trusted her to value her as more than as Isabelle Lozano the prize. To value her as Isabelle the woman. Still, there's plenty of room to play with between here and there. And cute engineers are worth investigating further, if only to figure out where those boundaries should be set. She can take a little bit of time with this - particularly when she's setting the pace. "So, tell me." she continues, reclining back in the seat. "What made you risk coming here? Why put yourself out in front of the likes of Linterna as opposed to a more regional event?"