Name: Barbara Butch Gender: Fem Age: 42 Description: Short slicked back hair that’s black, with a permanent snarl on my butch face. I’m a bad bitch whose been around the block a few times and it shows, I’m 5 foot even and as wide as I am tall, I only wear chainmail, and loin cloth. I have a few poorly done prison tats with former girlfriends names that didn’t work out. I like hiking, but hate bugs, the sun, and anything happy, so I only hike in the rain. Bio: I worked as a bar wench off and on and went to prison a few times mostly for assault for men telling me to Get them a beer. I like my Horse her name is Harley and ride her everywhere. I’m lookin to settle down with the right fair and burly maiden, I’ve saved up about tree fiddy and I’m wanting a hardy stout woman to warm my face at night. Purpose of travel: Looking for love in all the wrong places. Other info: Hey girl, can I get yo, lovin?