[@Dezuel][@Scarifar] Mina felt like fire on her lungs, and as if a dozen of hot pokers were inserted against her ribs. She could hear Suzakura's voice, but she could not process his words fully. She was more on guard and jolting by what appeared to be fingers digging on her gluteus. As if a lizard had gotten in her clothes, Mina jolted up. Her first reaction was to ask if the guy and his glasses were alright, but that was quickly replaced on her mind by his cool bull glowy tattoos, which again, was superseded by a creeping thought. Her face beet red at the realization, she turned irate at Michael... Except that, still trying to regain her bearings, she did not have the most nimble pace... and fell down again, this time front first on the artist's hands. Pain and embarassment flared up, as her hand decreed judgement. "YOU MILK THIEF!!!" She added as a slap came down hard on Michael.