[S]I'm working on my CS. I take a long time, so don't be concerned. [/s] :gray [hider=Archer Pierson] [b]Name: [/b] Archer Pierson [b]Age: [/b] 15 [b]Personality:[/b] Archer is generally a quiet person. He is the listener in a group, and almost always waits to give his opinion until he knows all the facts. Although not exactly a 'social butterfly' he enjoys spending time with people and can get along with a great variety of personalities. He has a strong sense of justice and what is fair. Quick to act and slow to give up, Archer is a very stubborn person. He stands up for what he believes in and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. Many people would describe him as the cute, huggable type, though he can have quite a temper. [b]Background: [/b] Up until he was eight, Archer lived alone with his mother. His mom was everything good in the world - sweet, caring, compassionate and beautiful. Archer was a little bit difficult when he was little, but his mother was always patient with him. The young boy was devastated, to say the least, when his mother was killed in a car accident. He was placed in a foster home for a short while, before the system found his dad and older brother. He moved in at the beginning of the school year, right after he turned nine. His father and 19-year-old brother Wil were/are heavy drinkers. The two of them would bring home cases of beer and bottles of liqure each day after work, and if he was lucky, Archer would come home and the two of them would be passed out on the sofa. If he was lucky. When he isn't lucky, he comes home to find them in a drunken rage, and they aim all their anger and stupidity at him. After a while, Archer has come to accept his situation, and just tries his best to avoid a beating. [b]Notable Skills or Abilities:[/b] How well can Archer fight? Well, he tries to avoid it, but since conflict is inevitable and fighting common in his house, he has developed a fairly good defense. He is quick on his feet and a fast thinker, often coming up with a clever defense in a few seconds. And if that fails, he is awesome at coming up with a means of escape. He has zero experience with firearms, and stays well away from them. He is currently dabbling in magic skills, but for now, he is limited. His feild of choice is the manipulation of electricity. Which is fairly compatable with his skills already mentioned, because if he needs to distract someone long enough to escape, he can simply shut off the power. [b]Appearance: [/b] [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/24m8550.jpg[/IMG] [/hider]