Fia let Serena find a feather of her choosing, she felt every tiny touch through the nerves in her feathers but remained calm. When Serena chose the feather and found it at its root, she mentally braced herself for it to be pulled out. As Serena pulled it out on two and not three, she grunted through gritted teeth as she felt the resistance from the feather before it came free, sending waves of pain through her wings and causing them to ruffle and shiver ever so slightly to compensate from the light trauma she willingly put them through. "Well that's one ingredient acquired" she commented. Kay was checking the study where she seemed to recall where he kept a lot of stuff. She looked through a lot, making sure to be careful not to touch anything that she didn't know what it was. Eventually, she caught something glimmering out of the corner of her eye, making her walk over. [b]"that's it"[/b] Fee said to her inside her head. With a nod, Kay carefully picked up the small vial of glowing liquid that didn't quite resemble liquid, nor did it resemble smoke, but something in between. "I found it!" She called out to everyone.