[quote=@Genkishi] The plot needs a main-branch heir among the Leaf genin. So your character could fit in that role because it was going to be a younger NPC otherwise. The Hyuuga clan uses the seals and the branch system. There was a period that the current generation falls under where some branch members didn't and will not get a cursed seal. It was when a main branch member became clan head had wanted to go away from the cruel tradition. His rule was not long and his son is the current clan head. We hadn't made a character yet for this role so the dad of a main branch OC would be perfect. The clan head is a puppet leader. The Hyuuga elders are in power, most of them branch members. Jinwa Hyuuga is the most notable one. Brother to a past clan head. He is the main force behind the Hyuuga's harsh traditions and is responsible for undoing most of the work that the past clan head had done. [/quote] I mean, I have my own ideas for things as I mentioned to Kindred in PM, mostly about a fairly religious sect of the Hyuuga regarding worship of celestial objects. Initially I had thought to shift my Hyuuga to a branch that held some influence because of their traditions, but if an heir is needed, then I can flex with that. Though will say that she will most assuredly cause untold amounts of stress for not just the head of the clan but all of the elders. The way I play Satomi is basically an extraordinarly out-going, boisterous and aggressive girl who is friends with [i][b]everyone[/b][/i] in the village whether they like it or not, and at this point in time seeing her become the head of the Hyuuga Clan is the worst nightmare of most people, as they assume it will be announced with an explosion and a party. Not necessarily in that order. Also, she kicks doors open. Yes, I know most doors in the Naruto setting are sliding doors. Satomi does not care.