"Nah," Ethan said as he followed Harriet. "I didn't bring any personal things. When we joined we were told that we'd move frequently and sometimes unexpectedly. I've got nothing of personal value here." Harriet had changed, or was only just showing who she really was. Those horns that were only visible for a brief moment were either new or had been better hidden previously. Standing in the hallway with their bedrooms made him think of Gaia, when she had gone wild due to that device. He hoped she was okay, wherever she was. [hr] "Don't worry, darling," Lily said. "I didn't really want to give you to them anyway, but I figured I should ask you what you wanted. Now that I know, I will fight for you. Cutting you open while conscious. How [i]brutal[/i]. They will not lay another hand on you if I can help it. Do try to get some sleep, you are perfectly safe here." Well, mostly. At least from that agency. She cut the connection and grabbed the phone to inform headquarters about this development and to ensure this facility would be protected against this other agency.