The trick to this is managing momentum. Parkour looks difficult for a different reason than it is. You have to be precise, you have to be economical in movement, and you usually have to have two functioning legs. She makes it work anyway. She's out the window with a quick roll, grabbing onto the window sill and spreading out her tentacles against the wall, breaking the momentum as gradually as you can. It still looks like you slammed into the wall, but it doesn't feel like it, and you don't get the breath knocked out of you. Hang for just long enough to reset to neutral momentum, then fall, letting go of where you were holding on with your fingertips to the windowsill, which were screaming bloody murder because you're about 50% heavier than the last time you did this and also over a decade out of practice. Then it's simply a matter of repeating that for the balcony, and you're on the street and moving towards an alley to break line of sight from the cop. Bruised, a little battered, but no real harm taken, and that's a win as far as she's concerned. [quote]A [s]2[/s] 5 6 + 2 and then a 6 [s]3[/s] 6 + 2 has her squeak out of this with no harm [i]somehow.[/i][/quote]