[@Archangel89] Alright, I better put this in a hider, 'cause I'm a wordy sonnuva bitch... [hider=so...]I don't have anything wrong with Mindzol and the Workshop functioning as a primarily Support Role, however, Infactorium held 5th Place consistently YGGDRASIL Online's Guild vs Guild for the Valkyrie Downfall expansion, so each Factory was fully expected to participate in combat, at some point, with its Creator and Overseer and whatever minions. So, I would suggest defining how The Workshop defended itself, whether that be with a single powerful Overseer like the Cormac or MinMaxine, a highly capable Overseer with a handful of Elites for support like Mae and her Kitchen Staff or Levia and her Slimes, or an extremely specialized Overseer with tons of Fodder Support like Tungsten or Gamma. If I had to offer a direction to start in, I would say, a mixture of Levia and Gamma is a good one; slime creatures with a heavily lend on biological evolution base on their breed. Another thing, I would tighten up exactly what The Workshop does - its purpose, while understandable, is a little vague, as well. Again, it's just the nature of things overlapping in a Guild Hall of 60, but it does draw a little from everywhere, without an expressly unique drive of its own. Every Factory has the potential to create "minions," - a catch-all phrase for your Factory's "production item", which used to have an actual in-universe cost - used to be an actual CS sheet you had to make a submit, but I trust my cast to be reasonable and understand the limitation of the story and setting. Back to the point, though, just "making minions" is what everyone does: Cormac makes weapons and armor to outfit the Guild. Mae makes food to buff the Guild and Units. Gamma and Tungsten both make Combat and Support Units, one biological and one technological, and their own internal weapons and armors, as well. Levia makes raw Resources out of "Waste" product from all Factories and Sieges. Faetalis makes Artifact-class Gear, including, and not limited to, a full-body skinsuit that replicates another Player's Avatar Class Levels, and she replicates their Gears. Due to the nature of Mindzol being on a Satellite Factory, he won't have anything but himself, since his Factory will only be using a combination of solar and auxiliary power to run itself and its distress beacon. It would take an Supreme Being to override that, so you'll be starting at zero, unless Mindzol has an Elite or two, like Mae's Kitchen Staff. However, his is something that we can work on in, and out of, character, since Mindzol seems like he would gel (pun intend) well with Gamma, Levia, and even Tungsten with the potential to fashion new breeds of slimes with Gamma's and Levia's aid to further Infactorium's expansion and growth, and possibly assist Tungsten's desire to rebirth his BIGs by creating a slime that can conduct electricity like blood does oxygen and function as a portable battery system, which cuts back on time, cost, and resources. My last suggestion is to define what your Jobs Levels do. Forbidden Arts Uses, Berserk, and Demonic Essence are not clear at all what they do as Jobs from just a glance, so clarity helps us better interact with Mindzol. Admittedly, you did stumble across some [u][b][i]detail-oriented nutcases[/i][/b][/u] with this group, as we've detailed out character sheets out like we're playing AD&D, but that's a good thing, as it gives you and idea of how in-depth or how simplified you can make a character sheets. Just, uh, don't try and copy mine. I have a special place reserved for me in Hell, where all completed and hype character sheets from D&D games go, but instead of seeing a piece of creative history, it's just a drawing of stick man figure with a name, class, and level on a flash card.[/hider]