"I was just minding my own business when this weird helmet-wearing blob attacked me!" Meramon replied to Suzy. "The last thing I remember is getting a pickax swung at my face!" "You too?" Clockmon asked. "I remember this strange ball of fire with yellow helmet show up, and the next thing I know I'm here." The two digimon gave each other a look of understanding, but kept quiet as the human children conversed. Then, just as Ciel had managed to get over to Aki and was beginning to question what the others were capable of, there was a loud crash near the tower, dust rising in a plume around the sound. Meramon and Clockmon both took a battle-ready stance, a fireball burning in Meramon's hand and a gun appeared within Clockmon's, but there didn't seem to be any threat from the explosion of dirt and dust. "Child-Level Reptile Digimon, BlackAgumon detected." The humans' Expanse Callers said, just as the smoke cleared and [url=http://dma.wtw-x.net/DMA/DigimonStands/Toei/TsuKai/Agumon2.jpg]said digimon[/url] became visible, having apparently face-planted from high in the air, as its head was buried in the ground and its body was sticking straight up balanced on its neck. As it tried in vain to push itself up so that it could remove its head from the earth, the Expanse Callers rang out again. "Adult-Level Angel Digimon, Angemon detected." Clockmon looked back at the humans, intrigued by their knowledge of the digimon near the tower, but Meramon's gaze turned upwards once more. From the top of the tower shone a bright white light that served as a poignant backdrop to the descent of a [url=https://wikimon.net/images/thumb/b/b4/Angemon_DA2020.jpg/300px-Angemon_DA2020.jpg]winged humanoid[/url]. The foreign digimon held something in its arms, though it was to bright to tell what it was. Soon the angel floated down to the earth and stood, just as the BlackAgumon freed its head from what was now a rather large hole in the ground, and it became clear that what it had brought with it was a human, held bridal-style in its arms. The digimon set the human on the ground so that she could stand; Octavia Wilmens was back. "I apologize once more for the inconvenience, Miss Wilmens. When you were brought to our palace, it was believed that you were similar to Mister Hanson. However, it is apparent now that you do not fit in with our realm, and as such I have brought you back to where you were taken from." The Angemon spoke to the newly arrived girl, and held out what appeared to be a trading card of some kind. "As compensation, I hope you will accept this Capture Card, programmed to gift the wings of an angel to a digital being." As soon as Octavia took the card, the Angemon would rise back into the air, ignoring the other humans, digimon, and navi, until it disappeared from sight entirely. The light that shone from the top of the tower faded alongside the angel digimon. It was just as it faded from view that Ciel began glowing a light green. The NetNavi slowly faded away with the color, only to reappear inside the holographic portion of Aki's sight, back in her Expanse Caller. At the same time, Kudamon began panting heavily. But by the time Suzy noticed, Kudamon had already been engulfed in a white light and returned to her Expanse Caller as well, now visible in the part of her sight taken up by its hologram. While the other two partner digimon did not return to Lily's Expanse Caller, they were visibly hurt from the battle and a warning appeared in her sight, scrolling across. -Digimon Health Critically Low. Recommendation: De-Actualization.-