[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/HDCcvNx/Gideon-Header.png[/img][h2]Crypts of Dawn [sub]Spelunking[/sub][/h2][/center][hr] The town's gravedigger was quite... strange, to say the least. Gideon has met Chiralta before, and is familiar with their strange mannerisms. This, however, was definitely different from what he us used to. Gideon could only dread what her 'friends' are like. At least the presence of the dead didn't sway him too much. Still, Achel does raise a genuine concern. Bodies going missing would not be terribly good for the morale of the people. If it was anyone that understood that the dead should be respected, it surely was the Raam. After all, it is imperative that any deceased Raam would have their body delivered to Grams' great temple. It was because of this, too, that Gideon had felt a sense of urgency in accomplishing this task. "[color=95A5A6]Unforgivable.[/color]" Gideon had uttered in regards to the corpse thief. The facility they were in, however, did pique Gideon's interest to a degree. It was far larger than any normal crypt... perhaps it, too, is a relic of the past? If much of it remained sealed and unexplored, perhaps something else had come out of it and is responsible for the stealing of the bodies? Or maybe the thief had entrenched themself in the 'sealed' portions of the crypt under Achel's spidery nose, doing well to avoid her webs and living deep within the catacombs. Whatever it was, it was clear to Gideon that he should investigate this 'seal,' and perhaps the rest of this unexplored crypt. "[color=95A5A6]Very well... show me to where the sealed parts of the crypts are.[/color]" Gideon stated, as he began his venture deeper into the facility. "[color=95A5A6]Ah, you wouldn't happen to have a torch or lantern perchance, do you?[/color]"