[hr][hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/wjbPELQ.png[/img] [hr] [color=b71d5d]Location:[/color] House of M [color=b71d5d]Skills:[/color] Enhanced Reflexes (passive) [/center] [hr][hr] Andy nodded, to what Magneto suggested. That would work. She considered how she would get a rubber suit. It wasn't a rush, but she would want one soon. She listened to Zari closely. She knew bits of Zari's past, but this time Zari gave more information in one go than she had so far. She chewed her lip thinking as she spoke. What he said in response though made her uncomfortable. She didn't like the idea of thinking of herself as a god just because she had power beyond what non-mutants could do. Jamie came to mind reminding her to be humble. That even though she was skilled in the ring that didn't put her above the people she fought. She kept her thoughts to herself. [color=b71d5d]"Most of my fighting training was in the boxing ring. Like you, I don't have any training in how to lead."[/color] Andy smiled, trying to let Zari know she didn't think it was a fault for not knowing how. Andy had never had a group. She wanted to learn how to work in a group. That didn't mean she wanted to lead the group.