Kurt held the controls of his Graze as steadily as possible as he lined up the shot on the Gjallarhorn mobile suit. While the teenager was waiting for the order to fire, Fox in his Hugo sped past him, firing his rifle. Kurt knew that at this distance those shots would do very little damage but he could see them as warning shots. As Fox took up a position in some debris, Holly ordered Kurt to take out the enemy Graze’s booster pods. As this was the logical thing to do, Kurt had no problem with the order. Pumping his thrusters, Kurt launched his Graze toward the enemy mobile suit. Raising his rifle, Kurt adjusted its aim, trying to hone in on the Graze Schwalbe’s boosters. Hoping that the Schwalbe wouldn’t notice him, Kurt hid his Graze between a particularly large piece of debris. Holly then taunted the Schwalbe pilot over an open channel, only to be knocked off course by some gunfire. Martyn took the opportunity to take lead, ordering Kurt to take out the booster pods. “I know, I know,” replied Kurt over the comms system, “I just need a clear shot.” The enemy Graze then left the area, heading toward Thom. Taking advantage of this, Kurt left the safety of the debris field and went over to where the Graze Schwalbe had first been spotted. Using his own boosters, Kurt blasted toward the Gjallarhorn wreck and the booster pods that floated near it. “Alright, here we go,” muttered Kurt. Once in range, Kurt lined his Graze’s rifle at the booster pods. Letting loose with gunfire, Kurt could only watch as the projectiles barreled through the void of space. As he held his breath, Kurt saw the bullets hit their mark, ripping into one of the pods. Breathing out strongly, Kurt was pretty sure that he had accomplished his mission. But over his comms he heard Thom say to not let him die. Without thinking, Kurt whipped his Graze around, pointing back at the battle. His stomach felt like it dropped at the prospect of losing another comrade. While he wouldn’t say he was friends with Thom, he did know him enough that he didn’t want him to die. “Damn it. Hold on,” shouted Kurt over the comms. Hoping that the booster pods had been rendered unusable, Kurt boosted his Graze back over to the battle. Seeing the Graze Schwalbe right in front of Thom’s Graze-Z, Kurt pushed his mobile suit to the max. He had precious few seconds to get into firing range of the yellow mobile suit, knowing that if he fired now his shots would do nothing.