[center][h1][color=#9A42AD]Tsak Vlos[/color], [color=ed145b]Aurora[/color], & [color=f26522]Miizel[/color][/h1][h2]Ft. The Dungeon Master[/h2][/center] Tsak easily leads the group to a tangled wall of thorns surrounding the cluster of wagons lit by lanterns. This caravan is barely visible through the thicket. Thanks to Tsak's presence as a Witchlight Hand, the thorns part to allow entry into the staff area. Like before, when Burly led through group through, the party only has ten seconds before the entryway through the thorns closes again. Once through the hedge of thorns Aurora looked to Tsak and Miizel. [Color=ed145b]"So should we try to talk to Mr. Witch and or possibly Mr. Light? Or should we try to snoop around and see what we can find?"[/color] Tsak grimaced as she lead the other two into the staff area. This whole thing unsettled her greatly and unpleasant possibilities were surfacing in her mind. As Aura stopped to address the gnome and her, Tsak replied [color=#9A42AD]"if you two would like to scout around and see what you can, that's fine... I need to speak to unc... I mean Mr's. Witch and Light about this portal"[/color]. With that, the fairy was off, fly towards the ring master's tent. Tsak easily flies up quietly to Mr. Witch's and Mr. Light's wagon, the very same wagon where the entire party spoke with them earlier. There, she would be able to hear the two of them converse with each other, [color=82ca9d]"You seem calmer now..."[/color] spoke the familiar gravelly voice of Mr. Witch, [color=f49ac2]"Well of course I am! That kenku pest has left, and the mood of the carnival couldn't be better!"[/color] the familiar high-pitched shrill voice of Mr. Light answered, [color=82ca9d]"Still...the ones who got the mood this high in the first place. They're no doubt searching for answers just as she did."[/color] [color=f49ac2]"Eh! They'll get frustrated, then distracted, and then simply enjoy the carnival and leave! No problem!"[/color] [color=82ca9d]"I hope you're right..."[/color] [color=f49ac2]"Trust me!"[/color] Tsak stays to listen to the conversation as it turns to the mood and new ideas for the carnival... "[color=f49ac2]This is a spectacular night indeed! But we can't stop here! We need to have something new...[/color]" "[color=82ca9d]Agreed. Anyone who's come here before will appreciate something new...[/color]" "[color=f49ac2]The catoblepas didn't work out, but maybe we can buy a giraffe and paint it blue. Or we could teach Northwind how to play the fiddle...[/color]" Tsak bit her lip, suppressing the urge to laugh at the very thought of Northwind and a fiddle. Taking a deep breath, the fairy would knick twice before stepping in. [color=#9A42AD]"Mr. Witch, Mr. Light, I, uh... have a question for you, and I was hoping you had a moment to talk... about the portal in the Hall of Illusions"[/color]. Before the conversation could continue, Tsak speaks up. Both Mr. Light and Mr. Witch turn to face her in order to greet her. Mr. Light was about to greet her with a wide smile on his face, but it dropped as soon as she mentioned the portal in the Hall of Illusions. Mr. Light starts to ask Tsak, "[color=f49ac2]How did you come to learn about the portal...?[/color]" Mr. Witch clears her throat, and he speaks, "[color=82ca9d]Perhaps, it would be better to let her ask first. What is it you wish to know, Tsak?[/color]" Despite their voices, they had softened drastically as they spoke to Tsak. She was family after all... Tsak grimaced as she looked between the two. That reaction all but confirmed it, that they knew of the portal. [color=#9A42AD]"We were in the Hall when we discovered it. Has it always been there? Is this portal the reason for the disappearances? Where does it go?"[/color] Both ringleaders looked at each other before they decided upon an answer silently, "[color=f49ac2]...It's always been there, even before we came along,[/color]" "[color=82ca9d]The portal is just that: A portal. It leads to the realm your parents told you about,[/color]" However, the both of them looked unsure of how to answer Tsak's other question. Meanwhile, Aurora remains unnoticed by the other Witchlight Hands in the staff area. She notices that the Witchlight Hands are either putting on their grandest costumes, or are packing stuff away. Tsak frowned as she looked down to her feet, [color=#9A42AD]"you didn't answer one thing... is it tied to the disappearances from all these years? Also... is it... where my parents and mentor vanished to? Please, I need to know!"[/color] Tsak can see it: There is sadness and a sense of futility in their eyes. Mister Witch is the first to answer her, "[color=82ca9d]...Yes,[/color]" Mister Light continues remorsefully, "[color=f49ac2]Your parents...they were supportive mentors to Hurly. So...when he disappeared, they followed after him,[/color]" Mister Witch continued, "[color=82ca9d]And in turn...your mentor pursued after them, hoping to bring them back home,[/color]" Tsak realizes it, she can hear it in their voices: It is just as Burly said! Mister Witch and Mister Light want to help and make things right. But...they're keeping themselves silent. Not because they want to, but because [I]something[/I] has their hands tied. Tsak was far from a very emotional fey, but hearing the Mr's confirm it broke her. Wiping her eyes, Tsak would look at them both, not holding back the resentment she felt for not telling her all these years. With a glare, she would blurt out, [color=#9A42AD]"This would have been nice to know! The rest of us could have helped out more!"[/color] Taking a breath, the Tsak would look to them pleading [color=#9A42AD]"I'm sorry, that was uncalled for. What can we do to help? Please, let us help"[/color] Mr. Witch and Mr. Light both look saddened, but understanding as Tsak lashed out at them. They were able to look at Tsak again when she asked if there was anything they could do to help. Mr. Witch shook his head slowly, and he answered, "[color=82ca9d]There isn't much any of you can do. This situation is much more dangerous than you realize. If we can help it, we're not putting anyone else at risk,[/color]" Mr. Light nodded in agreement, "[color=f49ac2]Your parents asked us to look out for you while they were gone. They wanted you to live a happy life. Pursuing this course of action will lead to the opposite of that. It's best to leave it alone, Tsak,[/color]" Tsak frowned deeply at the two of them, [color=#9A42AD]"Uncles, you know I've grown up with the most love and respect for you both. You took care of me when my parents abandoned me. But I am no little fey anymore. I yern for adventure and I yern to know what happened to my parents, to expolre the world they spoke of!"[/color] Tsak pointed in the direction of the Hall of Illusions, raising her voice unattinally as she continued, [color=#9A42AD]"We can't keep letting people go missing, it's not right! You have a party of adventurers at your disposal, please, for the safty of our customers, for the safty of our family and the circus, let's end this, together!"[/color] Mr. Light and Mr. Witch both look at each other. After a moment, they look to each other, before looking towards the outside of their wagon, warily. Mr. Witch raises a finger in a somewhat shushing movement, while Mr. Light gives a performance of a response, his volume meeting Tsak's volume, "[color=f49ac2]No, Young Lady! You are to leave the matter alone, and that's final![/color]" After waiting for a moment or two silently, the both of them move closer to Tsak and speak in hushed voices, "[color=82ca9d][i]....If you are serious about this, and you truly want to pursue this. Then meet us after the Crowning of the Witchlight Monarch,[/i][/color]" [i]"[color=f49ac2]We still think it's safer for you to stay. We do not know how that realm has changed, but we know it's much more dangerous than it was before. For now, make this is an act of rebellion,[/color]"[/i] At first, Tsak was taken aback by Mr. Light's response. Fortunately, it didn't take her long to see the act, I mean, she grew up watching all his acts. Keeping up the act, she would mouth "thank you" before throwing her hands up, [color=#9A42AD]"Gah! Fine!"[/color]. Tsak would turn to leave, looking back to give them a saddened smile before storming out to take her leave, flying off to look for the other two. [I][color=ed145b]The are probably getting ready to move on for the next place.[/color][/I] Aurora thought to herself as she ducked behind another wagon. She didn't see much in regards of clues about the portal from seeing the carnival hands posing or getting ready for the final act. The decision to find Tsak and see what information she had gotten from the owners came fairly easy as did moving around the edges of the wagons. Aurora nearly jumped when she heard Mr Light loudly address someone in the wagon. She crept as close as she could to an opening to listen more. Seconds later she heard Tsak give an abrupt defiant response before seeing her fly out of the wagon. Rory waited for a bit longer listening to make sure there wasn't more to the conversation. It's pretty easy for Aurora to hear the conversation between the two hushed voices, "[color=f49ac2]....Did we make the right decision...?[/color]" Mr. Light's voice filled with concern, "[color=82ca9d]I do not know. But she is a lot like her parents. Once she sets her mind on something, nothing will stop her,[/color]" "[color=f49ac2]That is most certainly true...[/color]" "[color=82ca9d]For now, let's not speak of this decision any more. We can't risk any chance of [I]them[/I] catching wind of this...[/color]" "[color=f49ac2]Right. We've got the Crowning of the Witchlight Monarch to worry about...[/color]" Rory waited a few heart beats after listening to Mr. Witch and Mr. Light discuss whether or not they did the right thing. They seemed concerned that someone would hear of this ordeal. Whoever it was could be the reason for the disappearances. Once she felt certain she would be able to leave without being noticed, she crept around the wagon and made her way back to where Tsak had brought them through the thickets. She waited patiently for the fairy to return and looked to see if Miizel was still nearby. Tsak swooped down toward Rory, landing on her shoulders. Tsak would move her cupped lips to Rory's ear and whisper [color=#9A42AD]"Okay, I talked to the misters. They are reluctant, but they are willing to accept our help and give us info. We need to meet up with them after the crowning. If you guys are done, we should look for the others"[/color]. When the fairy landed on Aurora's shoulder, she tried to adjust her stance to compensate for the extra weight. As she did her legs buckled under the weight sending both tumbling to the ground. The magical enchantment from the gift earlier and this event left Aurora rolling with laughter. She had to take near a full minute to collect herself before looking at Tsak. [Color=ed145b]"I am so sorry Tsak. Are you ok?"[/color] She had to take a moment to process what the fairy told her about the carnival owners. [Color=ed145b]"That makes sense as to why they may have been concerned. I think they are concerned that you are heading into danger. That and someone, or something for that matter, might know they could be interfering with what's been happening. They seemed really hushed about it."[/color] Before Tsak can answer Aurora, the both of them would notice Dirlagraun approach the Misters' wagon. Tsak realizes what this means: It's almost time for the Crowning of the Witchlight Monarch! All of the members of the Carnival have a part to play in the ceremony. Dirlagraun's role is to escort Mr. Witch and Mr. Light. They need to hurry to the Big Top. So, with that knowledge, the trio head off to the Big Top, where the closing ceremony will take place.