Rala was just starting to doze off, sitting with her weapon at her side, when she heard footsteps approaching her. Curious, but not yet entirely concerned, she opened an eye to see an Orc sitting down next to her. Groggy as she was, and drunk as he seemed to be, she managed to piece together the story he was telling. A faint smile on her face gave away her amusement at the situation. As the Orc finished his long soliloquy, Rala paused as she tried to come up with an answer. Where to start? With a heavy sigh, she decided she needed something else to clear her mind, get on his level. Rala greedily reached for the booze the orc had. Her sort of 'payment' for her 'sagely advice'. [hider=Sleight of hand?] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/23452]Nat 20[/url] [[/hider] Rala took a hearty swig before placing the bottle bank down with a thud. With enough time to think and a nip to steady her nerves, she gave her answer. [color=RosyBrown]"It's a matter of legacy. Whether it is or isn't the original doesn't matter as long as you leave your child with [i]an[/i] axe"[/color] She uttered boldly, a hint of annoyance slipping out that she didn't quite intend. Quickly she tried to match his speed of the tongue. [color=RosyBrown]"Your father wanted you to have the axe to pass on his legacy, a magical axe is just as fine as a handle of oak and a blade of ordinary steel"[/color] her words came swiftly but she paused to eye the bottle he had. She only hesitated because it seemed dangerous to take from an orc more than once. [color=RosyBrown]"But to answer your question, no it is not the same axe. It wasn't when your father replaced the blade. But neither was its wielder. Perhaps your tradition is not the axe itself but the additions made to it"[/color] She said with a sudden surge of confidence. Has she been using the same short sword she once wore as a member of the guard, she may not be alive today. Upgrades and maintenance are essential for any weapon. [color=RosyBrown]"may I see the weapon in question?"[/color]