[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220130/6cba50f669c9afaf20534dd8285a1367.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][indent] Shiori's minimal attempt at looking tempting hastily deflated into unamusement once Tostuka spoke. That's [i]twice[/i] now! She clenched her jaw in an attempt not to react, but as he stood up, the distance closing between them caught her off-guard. She stiffened slightly, almost expecting something, but instead he gathered his bag and walked out. She let out a huff of irritation, a little offset by how frazzled his response had her. Why did he keep doing that? Why did [i]she[/i] keep getting so flustered by it?! Shoving her thoughts aside, Shiori bit her tongue and stomped out afterward. She was tempted to shoulder-check him, but until she got what she wanted, she wasn't going to risk it. [color=pink]"Yeah, yeah, I'll pay, I'll pay,"[/color] She huffed at him, waving her hand absentmindedly. [/indent][hr][indent] The walk was a brief one consisting of Shiori mostly stewing in her displeasure. Part of her figured it'd be useful to point out some important things from the town, but aside from one or two bus stops, there wasn't really anything to point out. She briefly mentioned one of their classmates' father's cafe, but even that was because it was close and they just so happened to have said classmate in their homeroom. The convenience store was as run down as the other buildings with little foot traffic. The laundromat next door had much more activity, with a parade of students and stay-at-home parents filtering in and out. Shiori signaled for Tostuka to follow her and she led him to the alley between the two buildings. Fishing her wallet out of her bag, she counted out the bills and double-checked that she had the right amount. [color=pink]"Probably best to give me your jacket since it's part of the uniform, but your shirt and tie shouldn't look too out of place for a businessman,"[/color] She said as she offered the money to him. [color=pink]"All you gotta do is go in and ask for a pack. And if they say no, I'll just go with Plan B."[/color] [/indent][hr]