[color=7bcdc8]"Familiar Two, brace yourself."[/color] Was the only warning Thom received as Fox's quiet tenor crackled over the LCS. Having taken careful aim, the young man opened fire from his perch with the Hugo's machine gun. Almost all of the rounds flew harmlessly between the two Grazes, a few punching dents in their opponent’s armor with only one finding it's intended target. But one was enough. Punching clean through the magazine of the Schwalbe's rifle, the impact threw off the gun's aim off... and detonated the ammunition within. The resulting explosion took the Schwalbe's gun hand with it, while Thom's Graze was blasted with molten shrapnel, leaving visually impressive, but mostly superficial damage on the other human debris' mobile suit. [color=7bcdc8]"Familiar Five securing target. Captain, requesting further orders for Familiar Squad."[/color] Fox announced calmly, an odd contrast to his Hugo's aggressive movements, the space superiority mobile suit already rocketing into the "fight". Instead of slowing down he merely fired one of the Hugo's anchor claws, catching the golden Schwalbe on the way past and sending them both tumbling through space. Down an arm, a hand and against a pilot with the Alaya Vijinana System, the Schwalbe Graze's pilot stood little chance in the ensuing melee. Before too long, Fox had the Gjallarhorn mobile suit tangled up in the anchor claw's line, the Hugo's foot mounted claws further pinning his target in place. Leaning in, Fox pressed the barrel of his machine gun against the Schwalbe's vulnerable inner frame through a gap in it's armor. [color=7bcdc8]"If you'd like to live, I suggest surrender."[/color] The young man advised in his usual emotionless tenor, having activated an open comms channel.