[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220130/6cba50f669c9afaf20534dd8285a1367.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr][indent] The redhead openly rolled her eyes this time at his [i]third[/i] crack. Good God, she thought TV shows were exaggerating teenage boys and their hormones, but Totsuka was putting them to shame. Maybe he was just testing the waters to see if she was easy? That's how delinquents were usually depicted, anyway. And if she was honest, she definitely expected Takano to end up being some kind of slut. The thought made her chuckle, though as she watched him start to unbutton-- Holy shit, this guy needed to get laid. Shiori scowled at Totsuka, holding onto his jacket and tie and glaring at him until he left her eyesight. She sort of wanted to watch in case he got denied, but she very much still looked the part of a schoolgirl and would likely end up blowing their cover. As she waited, she realized she forgot to tell him which pack to get. Well, he only had so much, he could probably figure out that she wanted at least two packs of a specific brand. On his return, he tossed the packs to her. Her initial reaction was a touch of disappointment--of course he ended up getting the sane brand her father did. She wasn't a big fan of it as they usually made her throat itch if they weren't the menthol version. Once she laid eyes on the sandwich, however, her expression turned to one of disbelief. [color=pink]"You could've gotten a better brand if you didn't splurge on a sandwich!"[/color] She outright scolded him. [color=pink]"That wasn't part of the budget!"[/color] A door leading out to the alleyway swung open, and Shiori hastily stuffed both packs into her pocket. She motioned for the guy to start walking, though she paused as she heard some humming. Another employee came out with a pair of bags in hand, likely headed to the dumpster. He paused as he noticed the pair, eyes landing on Shiori. His brown, matted hair was a slight mess, his face on the average side as he looked a little older than the two. The name on his uniform read 'Sato'. [color=gold]"Oh, Shiori-chan,"[/color] He greeted her happily, though he seemed wary about Ryusei, his eyes looking him up and down. [color=gold]"And...a new friend?"[/color] Shiori figured outing Totsuka as her classmate would probably complicate things, so she nodded. [color=pink]"Mhm. Just stopping by for an...afterschool snack,"[/color] She replied, though her disdain for the food paid on her yen was clear. Sato placed down the bags for a moment, looking between the two. [color=gold]"Are you sure he's...a [i]friend[/i]? Or a...'friend'?"[/color] He asked her. The hell did he mean by that? [/indent][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220130/30723a37b2f7f9cded4f0d43ed032e23.png[/img][/center][hr][indent] Ichika gave the other girl a wide grin. She agreed to go [i]and[/i] they were going to have a great time, why wouldn't she be excited? Socializing with the other members--actually, socializing, in general, had Ichika coming out of any nervousness more confident and happier than ever. She thrived in most social situations, and even if it was a sport, interacting with people was just so [i]refreshing[/i]. It was better than being at home and watching Shi-shi stare at the TV 'til they went to bed at least. [color=coral]"Honestly, you saying yes is what made my day,"[/color] She cheerfully admitted. [color=coral]"I'm also ready to get in and spike some balls! Or...smacking them? Oh, you know what I mean!"[/color] Now that she thought about it, she wasn't sure what position she'd end up playing. She was kinda short to be in front, but she was great at spiking. Maybe she'd ask Mizuno-senpai once they arrived?[/indent][hr]