[hider=Martin Mancha] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSn73dUkHlh9RRe5V8AQJq5d2aef85aCxvOsg&usqp=CAU[/img] [url=https://pin.it/5y8zZ0J]Pintrest Board[/url] Full Name: Martin Mancha Age: Technically 10, but developmentally and physically 18 DOB: Created May, 2015 POB: Avengers Tower, New York City Height: 5’11” (variable at higher power levels) Weight: 312 lbs (variable at higher power levels) Eyes: Blue-Grey / Yellow Hair: Dark Brown [url=https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4RWMW4Birc15B3xyIvPS7O?si=K7VqK3g9Tq-BIbzHZnbHZA]Character Spotify Playlist[/url] Talents and Skills: [indent]As an artificial life form with an advanced AI learning matrix, Martin is very gifted academically. Having a direct link from his brain to the Avengers database has made Martin a certified genius. From remembering historic dates, to understanding artistic theory, there are few topics that Martin doesn’t know. The main one being what it means to be alive. He sometimes struggles knowing when to explain, as he is prone to both assuming people know what he is talking about, and simultaneously assuming a level of understanding above everyone else. Leading to him over explaining simple concepts in a condescending manner, while completely brushing over advanced concepts. Prior to being kidnapped by the Beyonder, he was training with each of the Original Six Avengers, evaluating their philosophies on life and picking up a few tricks here and there. [/indent] Powers and Abilities: [indent]Martin Mancha posses a vast array of powers due to his unique physiology. Though they can mostly be focused down into two key properties. The first being that he is almost completely made up of [url=https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Nanite_Mimicry]Nanites[/url]. The second is due to the fact he posses the [url=https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Psionics?so=search]Mind Stone[/url] of his universe, not unlike the vision of several other universes. He is still learning to unlock the secrets of the mind stone. Currently it’s capabilities are limited to the energy beam utilised by the Vision of other universes but he makes up for it with his applications of his Nanite form. [/indent] Biography: Martin’s story is very similar to that of the Vision of Earth 616 (MCU not comics). Ultron was trying to create the perfect body. Instead in this universe, Ultron used Vibranium infused Nanites to combine the Mind Stone with an Embryo. He was then going to use a Regeneration Cradle to rapidly age the body and transfer his own consciousness into it. Instead the Avengers intervened and defeated Ultron. Making the moral decision to not kill the baby, they decided that they should protect and nurture it so as it’s power would be used for good. Martin was raised by the avengers at the compound until he was kidnapped by the Beyonder’s Sentinels. [/hider]