[center][h2]12.25 Seconds[/h2][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FeZpszJ.jpg[/img] [/center] JP/Collab from [@wanderingwolf] and [@sail3695] [b]Rex Black[/b] is a character created by [@Psych0pomp] “You go nosin’ about folks’ business, just you make gorram certain there’s no bread crumbs leadin’ back to us.” The Captain had made himself clear…though his references to ‘nosing’ and ‘bread crumbs’ had required some research into colloquialism. That had since proven useful in her interactions with Penelope and Rex. Ever mindful of this directive, Sam put herself to the task of seeking the First Mate’s requested information. The first move involved setting the path. During her time on Greenleaf, S.A.M.A.N.T.H.A. had busied herself with local satellites, transmission stations, and even the public cortex networks blanketing Khao Yai and the surrounding countryside. Her entry/exit point would be Repeater 057, located in thick jungle some forty-three kilometers outside the city. [color=FFFF00]sam@chinadoll:~# besside-ng -W -v wlan0mon [18:39:34] mac 3c:46:d8:4e:ef:aa [18:39:34] Let's ride [18:39:34] Appending to wpa.cap [18:39:34] Appending to wep.cap [18:39:34] Logging to besside.log [18:39:35] Found AP 44:3a:cb:38:51:42 [watwutwot] chan 1 crypto WPA dbm -49 [18:39:35] Found AP 4c:8b:30:83:ed:91 [TELUS3079-2.4G] chan 1 crypto WPA dbm -71 [18:39:35] Found AP 1c:87:2c:d3:34:18 [Kuroki] chan 3 crypto WPA dbm -89 [18:39:37] Found AP 4c:8b:30:24:71:75 [SAMUEL9] chan 8 crypto WPA dbm -73 [18:39:37] Found AP 0c:51:01:e6:01:c4 [fbi-van-24] chan 11 crypto WPA dbm -46 [18:39:37] Found AP 70:f1:96:8e:5c:02 [TELUS0455-2.4G] chan 11 crypto WPA dbm -78 [18:39:38] Found client for network [Kuroki] 90:06:28:cb:0f:f3 [18:39:41] Found AP f0:f2:49:3c:ec:a8 [fbi-van-24] chan 1 crypto WPA dbm -49 [18:39:42] Found AP bc:4d:fb:2c:6d:88 [SHAW-2C6D80] chan 6 crypto WPA dbm -77 [18:39:42] Found client for network [SHAW-2C6D80] 64:5a:04:98:e1:62 [18:39:43] Found AP 10:78:5b:e9:a4:e2 [TELUS2151] chan 11 crypto WPA dbm -49 [18:39:43] Found client for network [b][Repeater 057][/b] 60:6b:bd:5a:b6:6c[/color] The next step was arranging offworld transmission. The comm and data satellites hovering above Khao Yai were all closely monitored, leaving the AI few options beyond weather and certain private applications. One of these was Centrix Mining Corporation’s Geosync 5. The company’s manganese and uranium veins had petered out several years before, forcing removal of all assets. Until they could safely seal their vertical shafts and tunnels, a lengthy and expensive process that time and cost made increasingly unlikely, they hired security to monitor the site and maintain contact via three of the satellite’s channels. The remaining nine would serve Sam’s purposes admirably. [color=FFFF00]sam@chinadoll:~# hydra -l root -P /usr/share/wordlists/metasploit/unix_passwords.txt -t 6 ssh://375.168.120.123:3398//24 ! || Hydra (http://www.thc.org/thc-hydra) starting at 2522-06-06 07:53:33 [DATA] 6 tasks, 1 server, 1003 login tries (l:1/p:1003), ~167 tries per task [DATA] attacking service ssh on port 22[/color] The challenge now lay in creating the long distance linkups. She first arranged a skip to St. Albans. From there, a powerful station that monitored ice flow movement would be her conduit to an unencrypted visitors’ welcome center on Pelorum. After a side trip through the Companions’ Guild servers on Sihnon, the AI managed Osiris access through the house cortex of Capital City Ice Planet Emporium. She then closed the Greenleaf loop with connections made between Albion, Persephone, and New Melbourne. Not exactly the most robust circuit, but she had sufficient access that could be collapsed in a nanosecond if a trace or an alarm were detected. [color=FFFF00]sam@chinadoll:~# nmap -v -A -sV 375.168.120.123:3398//21 Starting Nmap 670.41 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2522-06-06 07:55:33 NSE: Loaded 118 scripts for scanning. NSE: Script Pre-scanning. Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 18:40 Scanning 375.168.120.123:3398//21 [1 port] Completed ARP Ping Scan at 18:40, 0.06s elapsed (1 total hosts) Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 18:40 Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 18:40, 0.00s elapsed Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 18:40 Scanning router.localdomain (375.168.120.123:3398//21) [1000 ports] Discovered open port 53/tcp on 375.168.120.123:3398//21 Discovered open port 22/tcp on 375.168.120.123:3398//21 Discovered open port 80/tcp on 375.168.120.123:3398//21 Discovered open port 3001/tcp on 375.168.120.123:3398//21[/color] Her entry and egress portals thus arranged, Sam devoted her energies to finding the back doors. As she searched, a facial capture algorithm pulled the image of Joseph Hooker’s adversary from the still shot in the kidnapper’s vid. The angle was problematic; the man’s face was not a clean profile, turned roughly twenty-seven degrees off Y axis. She selected a 3D modeler application to aid in the processing before moving on to her first target, the servers of Khao Yai Law Enforcement. Though surprise wasn’t yet a part of her fluid learning process, Sam found it remarkable that her previous access path hadn’t been obstructed by rolling encryption. Once more the AI set to work, wearing down the coded defense of all the bike gang’s sealed files. [color=FFFF00]sam@chinadoll:~# john –word=/usr/share/john/password.lst --rules unshadowed.txt[/color] With these processes running, she dipped into the dark cortex to check on her previous queries. Masquerading as [i][b]BeachBunny17[/b][/i] had garnered her plenty of attention and offers of help from the normally wary source box jockeys. She sometimes wondered about the social development of this predominantly male community, but the sort of off-the-books hackery they shared had yielded some value to her efforts. Today would prove to be such a fortuitous moment. [i][b]Biggerthanyourdreams[/b][/i] had left a very helpful response: [i][b] Hey bunny, best way to find handles in KYLE is to torrent known case file hooks. All the criminal defense law firms run Legalbase - no brainer picking those locks. Get in and pull their active case files. Extra cool if you find the perps you’re tryna help out. Send me bikini pics and I’ll shoot you some sweet RTMP embeds to get you right in.[/b][/i] After sending a note of thanks and a link to ‘Marique’s Swimwear’ catalog, Sam set her sight on every Khao Yai defense law firm at once. The first to buckle was the office of Leonard Booth, Attorney At Law. And here, she struck gold. Booth was, for all intents and purposes, the chosen defender of numerous criminal enterprises in Khao Yai. Her curious algorithms soon had files and image captures of every Headhunters member to require his services for the past decade. Images and registry for a vessel, Road Angel, were included in the trove. In addition, she found known associates of Hafez Nadal, enough to build her own org chart and hypothesize upon the longterm stability of both outfits. A rapidfire mugshot search yielded two potential matches, whose images were fed to additional 3D modelers for comparison. As S.A.M.A.N.T.H.A. sifted her way through this rogue’s gallery of clientele, she hadn’t expected to come across Yuri Antonov. The new crewman’s image and history were largely innocuous, but for the names of relatives and associates. He had no criminal past, though his older brother Ivan had been reported killed on Regina, the result of a large scale medicine theft gone awry. Of particular interest was the company behind Yuri’s civil case against his former employers…a known shadow corporation for crime boss Adelai Niska. This would require further research. For now, the AI copied the slender file and resumed her principal task. She turned her attention toward Osiris, and a search for the Headhunters’ potential trading partners. With no shred of evidence to guide her way, Sam tapped into criminology files of Capital City’s massive law library. A dozen books on gang culture and behavior fell to her study, directing her on a course to identify each known criminal gang operating within the city limits. The search proved simpler than she thought, with the Black Zone Kings standing out through sheer size and grasp of their territory. The gang had been mentioned in journalists’ accounts four hundred sixty-two times. Many of these reports hinted at their offworld partnerships, including Headhunters MC from Greenleaf. Accompanying image captures displayed the eye patched kidnapper and president, known as Root. Shuffling images like playing cards, Sam took in each picture for detail and facial capture. She was in the process of cross referencing Root’s lieutenants when the blue polo shirt caught her scan. A quick check of the Joseph Hooker bar fight capture proved a match. She had a face, an image quickly corroborated by the 3D image modelers, and then confirmed via his mugshots from Khao Yai. “Julius Patagano,” Sam spoke via the bridge intercom. “Known to his associates as ‘Lip.’ Charges for racketeering, money laundering, tax fraud, and numerous domestic dispute and public nuisance complaints.” [i]Twelve seconds. She wasn’t lying.[/i] Rex looked up from his watch. “So, a money guy with a temper,” he replied. “You got more?” “The name of our bike gang president, his likely lieutenants, and their most probable contacts on Osiris. We also have the name and registry of their vessel. Khao Yai Traffic Control confirms its’ departure one hour and thirty-six minutes prior to our much observed liftoff.” “Never gonna let me live that down, are you?” he chuckled. “So Hook took out their money guy,” he mused aloud. “They got Abby on that boat, and they’re probably setting us up for a hot reception on Osiris with their friends.” “I would agree with that assessment,” S.A.M.A.N.T.H.A.’s voice floated through the cabin. “There’s a good deal more information to consider. May I continue?” “Talk data to me, baby.”