"Ah?" Fanilly was surprised to hear a voice behind her. She was even more surprised to see who it was. But then again, perhaps pursuing a more leisurely activity in comparison to further training was an ideal pastime for the mercenary-turned knight before her. Aggravating that injury would do no good. For that matter, the sight of his arm in that sling caused a twinge of guilt in the Knight-Captain's heart. In her head, she was already running through scenarios in which her commanding was just a bit better, where she was able to keep any of her knights from being injured. Surely, surely, she could have done better. But she didn't speak of them. "Sir Gerard, it's good to see you," Fanilly greeted her knight with a pleasant smile. Rather then her resplendent silver armor, the slight blonde was dressed in the blue, white, and gold uniform granted to the Captain of the Iron Rose Knights. To be honest, at times she wished she could dress more casually, but it wouldn't to for her to do so among her knights. "I'm looking for any information we may have on the shards of Angroron," she explained, blue eyes returning to the bookshelf, "Everyone's familiar with the story of Saint Lilianna and the fall of Orodrunn, but the nature and whereabouts of the shards aren't common knowledge." She let out a small sight. It was for good reason. Few wanted to risk such terrible artifacts being discovered. And those that sought them out were likely precisely the sort of people who should never obtain them. But that did make it harder to prevent someone who had already found them from doing something terrible. A few of the books she was examining were labeled with titles such as [i]Theology and History: The Divine Influence on Our Past[/i], [i]Record of the Orodrunn War[/i], and [i]Tools of the Wicked: Know the Enemy[/i]. Somewhat embarrassed, Fanilly awkwardly scratched the back of her head. "I guess I've never really looked at anything but the library's novels before, so I didn't have a great idea of where to start... I just picked out titles that looked promising." The young girl paused for a moment. "How is your arm?" [@HereComesTheSnow]