Professor Perfection, as Mr. Q might have caught her, was standing beside a low control panel in the conference room. Her technology was always ahead of the curb, yes, but given how far removed they were from the was far from current. Command line interfaces and simple processing power; lines drawn with light against a black background instead of pixels on a screen. If they were going to be working out of here for any length of time, Janet was going to have to replace these... She sighed. After Mr. Q spoke, she turned her pedestal around from the tiny screen and past him, wheeling around with a tiny remote in her hand. [b]"You must have been waiting some time to ask that. If I were to guess, you simply wanted to ask me as a prelude to divulging your own designs for the world."[/b] She briefly looked at him, trying to gauge his constant self-assuredness. It was the one and only time she looked directly at him this conversation. [b]"Very well-rehearsed designs."[/b] She rolled over to the side of the table, placing the remote and immediately beginning to disassemble it. Honestly, 70s Janet, making a device that needs to be broken open to change the batteries...what were you thinking? [b]"I've had much time to think about it. The first and most obvious goal would be to exact revenge and personally kill some of the directorial staff of Thornwood. I have no idea how far you and your friends managed to get on that front before breaking out."[/b] She tosses a piece of casing behind her as a couple more metallic graspers snake out of her pedestal, reaching for unseen drawers beneath the wide table and pulling out more 50~ year old technological bits. [b]"However. I realize that such a goal is short-sighted and ultimately caused by my pent-up frustration getting the better of me. I can put it aside for now."[/b] [b]"Otherwise? I know it is uncharacteristic of me to say this, but I will admit that I am on my back foot."[/b] She begins to quickly re-assemble the device, improved hopefully. [b]"I need to see what has changed in the past few decades. I need to rebuild a small empire that has almost assuredly been picked clean by the jackals I'd call my colleagues during my internment. Can't blame them. Weapons, machines, all sitting around in bunkers like this one, and usually far less well-kept of a secret."[/b] She holds the remote upward, and inspects it. [b]"I suppose figuring out your existence is the first step. What are you, exactly. Clearly fantastic in nature. The sort who lords over others with casual violation of physics. A self-described magician? An otherplanar entity? Go ahead and describe yourself."[/b]