[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/FKJKRczH/the-gifted-591b350cc9ba7.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@Achronum][@Trainerblue192][@Kirah][/center][hr][hr][center][color=f7941d][b]Genosha: August 3rd, 2021 - 12:10 PM [/b][/color][/center][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=935DB8]Veil[/color] & [color=DBA1DE]Casper[/color] & [color=#DAF7A6]Sunshine[/color][/b][/h3][hr][hr][b]Location:[/b] Various [b]Skills:[/b] [color=DBA1DE]Mediumship[/color][/center][hr][b]The Green Lagoon / the Astral Plane...[/b] David looked uncomfortable as Harry asked him how he learned about all of these things. Much like his brother, Casper, David hadn't had the best of childhoods. But unlike Casper, David couldn't directly blame Professor X for forcing him to learn too much too fast - for David, the issue ultimately came down to Professor X's neglect and inaction. "Oh, um... I was possessed by the Shadow King," David mumbled. "Thrown into an asylum for over a decade... Then Da finally realized what was happening and him and his X-Men got rid of the Shadow King... but kept me in the asylum... So didn't really read about this stuff, more of... learned through what the Shadow King tried to make me do." [b]The Green Lagoon...[/b] Marrow didn't know whether to laugh or yell when Spark Plug casually mentioned that they were going to raise the dead. "Isn't that sort of thing just for X-Men - y'know, the pretty, famous mutants?" Marrow scoffed, deciding on [i]attitude[/i] as a response. Most mutants were at least somewhat aware of Jean Grey's death and resurrection. A few bone marrow growths appeared on Marrow's back, a sign of her agitation. [color=#DAF7A6]"How are you doing it? Are you sure it'll work? No offense, but Max's specialty is destruction, not exactly resurrection or creation..."[/color] Sunshine questioned. She did want to believe that it could work. And despite her misgivings, she could feel hope rising up in her chest. Maybe it would work. But the most pessimistic part of her was afraid it would just be another case of Max promising something huge and instead starting a huge fire. [color=#DAF7A6]"And no offense, but won't Ben's corpse be, like... gross as shit? Can you even put someone back inside that?"[/color] From what Sunshine recalled, Ben had been dead for a while - like [i]years[/i]. That probably meant that his body had mostly decayed by this point (or at least, that was Sunshine's opinion, not that she was any sort of medical authority or whatnot). Even if it didn't work though... Sunshine did miss New Orleans. Not the New Orleans from this world, but from the other one - the one Wanda had made. Meanwhile, Veil felt like she was in some sort of fever dream. She opened her mouth, about to ask her brother if he was high, before she closed it again. They were on an island filled of mutants and her brother seemed to be hanging out with one of the most unstable yet powerful ones. Anything was possible here. [color=935DB8]"Barry, what the fuck is going on?"[/color] Veil said, her voice as calm as she could make it - but still carrying an edge of tension to it. "Ooo, my name's Barry too!" Legion exclaimed, giggling slightly. "I'm chuffed to officially meet ya," Legion said, shaking Barry's hand. Legion then held a hand out to Veil and Veil stared, before gingerly taking the hand and shaking it. She felt like she was losing her mind. "Like I been saying, I'm not the one wit' the telepathy - that's Davie." Veil's left eye twitched slightly. [color=935DB8]"I see,"[/color] she said, gritting her teeth a bit. [b]Outside the Hospital...[/b] [color=DBA1DE]"Uhh... yeah, yeah I can do that!"[/color] Casper said, still a little bit stunned/overwhelmed at the sight of Doc Nemesis. He knew that people could become mad scientists, but even this seemed a little excessive. When he thought of mad scientists, Casper pictured people making explosive solutions from mixing chemicals together - or Reed Richards getting into a Twitter feud with Tony Stark. He didn't picture someone making their brain into a little Medusa of sorts, with wriggling green things coming out of it. Casper had to shake his head slightly, in order to pull his thoughts mentally away from what was going on with Nemesis. [color=DBA1DE]"We'll be... well, here,"[/color] he promised James, shifting his grip slightly on baby Daniel, before humming [i]Smells Like Teen Spirit[/i] in an effort to try to calm the crying baby down as Casper walked down the hallway, away from Nemesis, James, and the receptionist. "Hey, hey, no sweat off my back!" Nemesis said, holding his hands up. "I figured I would be nice and offer, but I'm not going to just go around modifying babies. I'm not a [i]monster[/i] - and that's more Essex's style anyways. Records, hmm... Do we have records on the kids?" he asked, looking at the receptionist for a moment. She nodded her head. "Great! Go ahead and take a look, I'm sure they're organized somewhat logically," Nemesis said with a shrug. "Bee, do you mind showing him?" "Of course," Bee, the receptionist said, getting up from her seat and motioning for James to follow her, leading him to the records room nearby. It wasn't very far. Bee unlocked the door. "If we have anything, it'll be in here..." The room was poorly lit, with about four massive filing cabinets, with drawers labeled with the symbols for omega, alpha, beta, and gamma. [b]The Rebuilt House of M...[/b] A shadow fell over Magneto's face, as Valkyrie reminded them that mutants were not immortal - that their people were destined to die, often in tragedy. [color=FF5733]"One day, mutants will conquer death,"[/color] Magneto swore. He knew of several mutants who already had immortality as a functional part of their being - namely Externals like Selene. [color=FF5733]"There already exists a mutant Coven who can never truly die - who return to us each time. It is my wish that all mutants join a circle such as that one day - that our lives will no longer be something to be stolen from us."[/color] He then fell silent for a moment. The topic had gotten heavy. And as dramatic as Magneto was, his heart was weary - he ached for the loss his people had experienced, of the genocide committed against Genosha. [color=FF5733]"On the matter of leadership, the best way to gain skills in leading is by doing. Perhaps as part of our new Brotherhood, you two might recruit others and lead them, learning to work as a team and how to command."[/color] [b]Blackstone...[/b] [color=CDC0CF]"The Darkhold really is a page-turner, isn't it, Jacques?"[/color] The door to the witch lair closed all of the sudden, and if he were to turn around, Jack would see Selene there. She was wearing an elegant black dress, with a scarlet choker with ruby gems decorating the front. The overall vibe was ~vampire chic~ which, for Selene, was pretty normal. The odd thing would be that in one hand, she was holding a skull - it was definitely a human skull, and it didn't seem to be 'fresh' or anything. But yup, she was holding an emotional support skull. [color=CDC0CF]"Nero and I had a passionate night together after I let him borrow my copy for a spell - that, and he brought me a praetor for a snack. Ambition is such a sweet seasoning in a man; but the bitter realization they have that they're going to die, never making consul? Now [i]THAT[/i] is divine."[/color] [color=CDC0CF]"Which does bring me to you... I [i]could [/i]eat you - but I'm still a bit full from all the souls I devoured during the attack. I could let you go - you haven't learned anything that everyone doesn't already know. Or I could take you as my dark apprentice - the last girl I taught didn't work out."[/color] [b]Hellfire Bay...[/b] Purple Mongoose didn't need to be told twice that she could go off and play. Hearing grownups talk was pretty boring and she had a very small attention span. Plus, she could defy gravity - so naturally, Mongoose started walking up the trees, looking a bit like Spider-Man, as her feet just seemed to stick to the trees perfectly. She didn't even need to bend her back or anything, her posture was perfect, as if the entire world was just slightly rotated. "Ah hell, what's goin' on with you two?" Renegade asked Moneta. She didn't really know what might be going on there. If she had to guess, maybe Magneto was having some trauma response due to the attack Genosha had just suffered - after all, he had been a young boy during the Holocaust and had been forced to experience the genocide of his people. The attack on Genosha hadn't been easy on anyone - but Renegade could imagine it being especially difficult for Erik to process. "Do I need to parent-trap you two back together?" [b]Wales...[/b] Pixie didn't seem too phased by Max's suggestion that he might not have been a mutant after all. "I'm only half-mutant myself," Pixie said with a shrug, popping another California roll into her mouth. She spoke while chewing her food, not exactly the picture of decorum or grave. "My mum's a fairy," she added in a very matter-of-fact tone. She did hesitate though as Max turned the conversation to his soul staff. Pixie didn't want to talk about this stuff. She didn't like thinking about what had happened to her in Limbo - how she had been hurt by someone she thought was her friend, tricked into defiling her soul. "You need to pinky swear that this stuff stays between you and me, kay?" Pixie said, extending a pinky to Max. She then sighed slightly. "People like us, we can sometimes... manifest these weapons, the purest extensions of our souls. My sorta-friend-sorta-enemy Magik manifested a sword, I manifest a dagger," Pixie's souldagger then appeared in her hands, a small blade of shimmering light, "and you manifest a staff... It's a part of your soul broken off from the rest. But it's not the only part. Another part forms what's called a bloodstone - demons go [i]crazy[/i] for them. But you don't have your bloodstone, Max..." "...which means you don't have your entire soul." [hider=OOC Note - the Ritual]You can use a magic ritual of three to attempt mutant resurrection, provided you can recover their body. You will only be able to bring back [i]one[/i] mutant at this time. At the conclusion of the RP, you may attempt to resurrect other mutants. [i](I will say that not everyone will be resurrect-able, so you'll have about 2-3 resurrections allotted to you.)[/i] Select who you would like to attempt resurrection on and let me know on the Discord - I think the easiest thing to do would be to collab the resurrection ritual and post it as the 'end' of this chapter. [/hider]