[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/saJefsm.png[/img] [h2][color=ab0000]C[/color]armillia [color=ab0000]C[/color]arbonneau[/h2][/center] [b]Place(s): Cargo Hold, Lorentine Queen Interactions:Manfred:[@Force and Fury], Eun-Ji & Various [@Medili], Dorothea [@jasbraq], Zarra [@BreathOfTheWoof][/b] [hr] Fortunately for her, Eun-ji was quick on the uptake. As crazed as Dorothea was behaving, Carmillia found it hard to believe she'd attempt to shoot through Eun-ji to get to her. Even if such a thing were to occur, the she believed the trained Tan Keoulian would manage to keep her unharmed. She snuck a peek at Dorothea from above Eun-ji's head. Even after being warned by one of the Feskan mages, Dorothea kept her gun pointed at her. It was then that Manfred stepped in and skillfully knocked her out. [color=ab0000][i]That's one issue resolved.[/i][/color] As Eun-ji was midway through the conversation with the female Feskan mage, they were interrupted by a scream. It was one of the Traveler agents that the rest of them had dealt with earlier; the female hiding behind the table. A wave of nausea and malaise assaulted her senses as the other agent who had been huddled in the corner, had also seemingly recovered and was charging right at them. [color=ab0000][i]I'm taking back my thanks. [/i][/color] When The Crimson Hand dealt with such situations, she didn't need to worry about her enemies not being properly incapcitated once the battle was over. The Feskan mage directed her magics toward the agent hiding behind the table, exploding it. [color=ab0000][i]Arcane.[/i][/color] Carmillia connected the dots. The two Feskan mages were probably the engine mages. Eun-ji immediately kicked into gear and was dealing with the agent that had charged at them, leaving Carmillia recover from the internal chemical attack. For some reason, it seemed the attack had only been directed at her, given the Feskan mage and Eun-ji had sprung immediately into battle. [color=ab0000][i]Accursed bitch.[/i][/color] She stumbled briefly and braced herself. A nausea blast was a common attack under the internal chemical school. It was essentially the equivalent of an arcane mage using a fireball. Consequently, it was also easily resolved. Employing her own magic, she targeted various centers in her own brain to offset the effects of the nausea and malaise as well as stimulating the production of her own adrenaline. She was back to prime condition within seconds. She assessed the situation. Eun-ji was outperforming her adversary which was no surprise to Carmillia, the agents had already lost to them earlier and quickly at that. The two ship mages were dealing with the last agent. Between the two fights, she chose to aid the latter. She knew Eun-ji far better than them and believed her capable in dealing with her own fight. The two ship mages were the main variables. [color=ab0000][i]No more gambles.[/i][/color] Straining herself, she made full potential of her meager RAS, launching a revenge internal chemical attack back at the female agent. Carmillia wasn't capable of a nausea blast large enough to be useful and she knew that. That said, as long as one was creative enough, there were a plethora of ways to take use of the internal chemical school. Vertigo. Such a spell wouldn't incapacitate the agent on its own but it was a curse to battle under its effects, no matter how mild.