I'll just PM you when I have solid character ideas. I have read FT, MH Orage and some of the rest but it's been all so long ago that I need to do some research. EZ for example I read only a few chapters of. I'm more likely to go in the direction of Fairy Tail variants. Erza is my favorite character so some kind of apprentice/aspiring knight looking to be the Grand Knight's disciple might also be an option. Also in the Naruto RP I have Natsumi whose original version was accused of being a Natsu rip off. So a Natsu is also on the table. I mostly lost interest in the series because Natsu's fights got so stale. He needs some Bakugo creativity. [hider=Example] [img]https://i.gifer.com/S5jJ.gif[/img] [/hider]