[color=silver][h1][center]Enemy Mine Part 6[/center][/h1][/color] [color=white][center][b]Silverhold | Barnett Silver Mines[/b][/center][/color] [color=silver][center]Summary[/center][/color] [color=silver][center][i]Jagos crew goes in with a plan, what could go wrong.[/i][/center][/color] [center] [table] [row] [cell][/cell][cell][/cell][cell][/cell] [cell][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5360043][img] https://i.imgur.com/Sy9cv6b.png[/img][/url][/center][/cell] [cell][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5360043][img] https://i.imgur.com/B3Mrhob.png[/img][/url][/center][/cell] [cell][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5360056][img] https://i.imgur.com/YULG7qv.png[/img][/url][/center][/cell] [cell][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5360069][img] https://i.imgur.com/SJOjAQi.png[/img][/url][/center][/cell] [cell][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5360257][img] https://i.imgur.com/xbzDd3i.png[/img][/url][/center][/cell] [cell][/cell][cell][/cell][cell][/cell] [/row] [/table] [/center] [indent][indent][indent] OOC: JP between [@Winters], [@MK Blitzen], [@Yule], [@Aalakrys] “Toldja I needed a gorram rifle!” Serena huffed from inside the trailer. Kinneas tutted with a rub to his jaw as he saw the shot fall short with a puff of dirt. “Impressive.” "Now more than ever Doc is it clear to me that I did not hire you for your ability to shoot a gun." Jago said dryly. "Okay Plan B …" "Shut yer ass and hold onto it!" Doc interrupted as she chomped down hard on her cigarillo while chambering another round. She paused, took a deep breath and raised her crosshairs slightly higher than the box and fired. The next bullet found its mark as the box burst open, showering the area with a cloud of smoke. "HA! Suck it!" The medic shouted as she jumped up, jabbing a finger at the box before realizing she was now exposed to the shooter and quickly dropping back down on her belly. "She hit the box yet?" Vas asked. "Yea she finally hit it." Jago affirmed over comms. And Kinneas dashed off without a word, unaware of the peanut gallery going on in private. As he sprinted towards where his gear awaited, he started pulling his hair up so it would be out of the way. It was pulled halfway through a tie so it held itself in a loop by the time he’d reached the door and jerked it open. The sight of the unfortunate prisoner being shouldered in his rear by a scrawny kid gave him a moment’s pause. What the hell was going on? Serena stopped shoving and eyed the good-looking man warily. She secretly hoped her merc hair still looked all right as she held up one hand defensively. “We just wanna get him home safe,” she explained, “Then you can start as many riots and fights and fires as you want, promise. Just don’t shoot me.” “... Let’s say we’ll unpack that later, but sure, do what you gotta do.” Kinneas said as he walked to the make-shift bunk his duffle rested beside and lifted it over his shoulder. He was nearly out the door when he turned back for another glance at the sucker in the window. [i]Mrs. Serena Reed[/i], Serena wrote in her head in her best cursive. They’d have to name their firstborn after Vas, of course, unless it was a girl, in which case she decided she liked the name Chloe, or maybe Melody, Melody Reed, that was pretty. “Have you tried lifting his legs up over his hips?” Kinneas said, shifting the bag and interrupting… something. “He’d probably slide right out on his face.” [/indent][/indent][/indent]