[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220130/6cba50f669c9afaf20534dd8285a1367.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr][indent] Wowee, he used to go to Pick-Land? Yeah, his grandparents had definitely lived around here for a long time. It was actually kinda sweet to hear him bring it up. That was the second time he brought up his grandmother, too. Look at that, having a soft spot for his grammy. She used to do the same with the grandma she actually liked years ago, but somehow thinking that this giant of a man was once a little boy happy to pick fruit was actually adorable. She supposed despite the circumstances being less than ideal, it brought up a nugget of joy for Totsuka to go down memory lane. Totsuka wasn't done surprising her, however. He brought up bringing him along to the cafe. Either he was [i]super[/i] bored or maybe he was open to trying out new things. Considering the cafe was something that really only flourished recently, she figured there wasn't any harm in taking him there. As she rummaged through her pockets for her phone, she mused that if there was some semblance of interest, she was definitely feeding into it. She kinda sorta doubted it, chalking up most of his comments as just wanting to get under her skin. [color=pink]"The only people I have on my shitlist are the Newspaper Club. Soon as I get my hands on those little weasels, it's all over for them,"[/color] She reminded him as she brought out her phone. [color=pink]"What's your number so I can text you on the weekend?"[/color] [/indent][hr]