[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220123/b3c5ef84c71ca67f2d25922c469c4763.png [/IMG][/center] [hr][right][color=gray]Mods, Asura is pickleposting in the time-bar again.[/color][/right][hr]To be [i]entirely[/i] fair, yes, she probably could have been more thorough with the blurring. Kanna reeled, pain exploding from her forehead, vision swimming with stars. Her glasses flew from her face and landed in the grass, miraculously unbroken. Right, probably should have bagged those, too. She would have fallen to the ground, but Shiori had her shirt in a death grip, and was already yelling in her face like she hadn’t just used her own head like a battering ram. Damn girl must have had the skull of an ibex. Weren’t headbutts illegal in boxing? Where the hell was the ref? [color=92278f]“Gh[i]haaoooow[/i]. [i]Shit.[/i] Wow.”[/color] She let go of the hold she’d reflexively taken on Shiori’s arm, moving it up to pat her bicep. [color=92278f]“You been working out? I thought you were just managing that club.”[/color] [i]Okay, great—more avoiding imminent death.[/i] [color=92278f]“Listen, listen, before you kick the shit out of me—I came here on purpose. Just wanted to…”[/color] she blinked hard, more pain between her eyes. [color=92278f]“Talk! Y’know, just see what’s up. Week might’ve started out rocky, but it seems like it’s not goin’ so bad now, right? Ah?”[/color]