[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220123/b3c5ef84c71ca67f2d25922c469c4763.png [/IMG][/center] [hr][right][color=gray]Mods, Asura is pickleposting in the time-bar again.[/color][/right][hr]Totsuka’s comments bought her a few extra moments to think, but she wasn’t so good at thinking with her mouth closed. [color=92278f]“Okay, in my defense, you have a really thick accent, and it was kinda hard to tell what you said.”[/color] She wouldn’t have listened anyway if that had been the case, but, that was besides the point. Totsuka seemed eager enough to participate vicariously, and Kanna got the sense her moments were running out. [color=92278f]“Waitwaitwait—wait,”[/color] she refocused on Shiori, her vision finally stabilizing, which didn’t matter too much because without her glasses everything was still just a smidgen fuzzy. [color=92278f]“Okay. Look. I could stand here and try to appeal to your better natures, and be reasonable—you know, you did beat the hell out of a dude for what [i]any[/i] well-adjusted person would recognize as [i]no reason[/i]—but let’s face it, we’re not reasonable people. And Kenzo kinda deserved it anyway.”[/color] She let go of Shiori’s arm, put her hands up in surrender. She still had to get on the tips of her toes to touch the ground, but it wasn’t like she was gonna be able to get away. Kanna felt pretty confident she could outrun two people with lungs twice their age, but even if she was faster, Shiori was bigger, and stronger, and had her like a vice. There weren’t a lot of options here short of slamming her cast in Shiori’s face, and that might not even work. Besides, she didn’t [i]want[/i] to hurt Shiori. [color=92278f]“Shiori, we’ve known each other a lil’ while, and, hey, I messed up not blurring you out as well as I should have. My bad. [i]I’m sorry.[/i] You want to beat the hell out of me, fine. Whatever, I squared myself with that when I came over here, and it’ll just end up in the paper anyway. If that’s what you want, go ahead, I’m perfectly fine to keep the paper’s selling on that, but I’m getting the sense that both of you want [i]out[/i] of the spotlight, right? Or at least maybe you want it treating you a little less harshly? Because if that’s right, I think we can do that, but you’re gonna have to work with me, which means I’m going to need both of my arms, and [i]all[/i] of my teeth, Shiori, all of them.”[/color] Kanna looked between them, briefly trying to gauge if she was getting through before giving up. If it didn't, she'd be made very well aware. [color=92278f]“Despite what you might think, I came over here to help. All of us."[/color]