[quote=@Memory] *Reality seems to shatter like glass, leaving a small buffer between the strikes and me* Then you should get to it. Isn't that right— *The suit starts to dissolve the false reality surrounding me* Lovely wife of mine? [/quote] [quote=@souleaterfan320] Fear and Hate are much, much different emotions, monster. The onyl thing I fear is a future where you lead. *all 6 points on my crown ignite with a black and white flame* Your crimes now and before are far to heavy a sin to let you live. I promise you existence will live prosper without you. *with a single hit, you feel as if the entirety of this multiverse is continually collapsing inward on you at a single point* This is true power. [/quote] [quote=@Legend Begins] Hoho! This conflict has indeed piqued my interest! I wonder what will become of it. [/quote] *Blinks* Chickpea, we've stumbled into something with a bit more history than I previously imagined.