[h2]Dame Niala Evenhand[/h2] [hr] So Snowing Timber had chosen survival over pacifism. Then it seemed his weapons were not taken by choice, as hers were... as for Danyl? By the weapons in tow and the patch over one socket, it appeared he'd done much the same. Though if she recalled, hadn't he lost vision in that eye gradually anyway even before her departure? It couldn't be a pretty sight even now. 'I dare say, it is a pleasure to reacquaint with all and sundry,' she proclaimed, her earlier dourness lost again in a sea of gregariousness. 'If we've all sought our best selves, then surely it'll continue to be so-' ...hmm? Who...? Who was that? They looked... ill, almost, by the hair and the posture- The horns spake devil. Her hand jolted reflexively, but stopped short of reaching for her blade as she recalled the nature of the tiefling: helltouched, but not necessarily hellions unto themselves. And her voice, or rather her mannerisms, seemed to indicate an unwillingness to fight. Forcing herself to relax, she stated with a smile 'I see no issue with it, madam. This [i]is[/i] a public tavern, after all, it'd be strange if you [i]weren't[/i] allowed access!'