[quote=@Memory] He laughed. *Chuckles and drops the knife into a regular grip* The king suggested a new government. Villages and towns were free of duties and tax, and the rebels would destroy anyone who threatened that peace. After all, the king noted, without his help, their plan was doomed to fail. And together with the king, the rebels liberated the world. Villages, towns, cities, all free to live as they wish. And yet the rules, laws, and practices of the old kingdom remained. The rebels held no authority to overturn their status quo, and their new government was doomed to fall. Sure enough, one day a knife was driven into this new government, and they lost their voice over the land. Village was divided against village, each vying for authority over their neighbors. Chaos. The new government tried to rally the lands, and they peacefully negotiated with every city’s leader. It wasn’t enough. War had started, and the government had failed. There would never again be a border on the face of that kingdom that did not see war. And yet, our story doesn’t end without a glimmer of hope. [/quote] Uh-huh.