[center][h1][color=black]T[/color]OTSUKA [color=black]R[/color]YUSEI [color=black]戸[/color]塚 [color=black]竜[/color]星[/h1][/center] [hr][right][color=gray]introduce a little pickle juice. upset the established order. and everything becomes chaos.[/color][/right][hr] [indent]Ryusei hadn't honestly expected Shiori to throw herself at Machiba with such ferocity—wasn't [i]he[/i] supposed to be the impulsive one? Sure, the kid had strolled up on them in the middle of a confrontation waving his phone around and declaring he'd call the police, but usually he at least gave people a warning before he proceeded to pummel them into the dirt. He supposed her paranoia was well founded enough, considering the front facing camera, and the fact only days earlier they had been victim of an unwanted series of creep shots. Taken by Nakano, who he only realized was no longer restrained a precious few seconds after the girl had made her mad dash to get away. [color=c0c0c0]"You little cunt——"[/color] He considered, briefly, running her down, or maybe just grabbing a nearby rock to bean her in the ass with. But to what end? Threats of violence and broken bones didn't seem to deter her. He'd have to find a way to hurt her elsewhere. If he didn't, he'd have to put up with her incessantly stalking him both inside [i]and[/i] outside of school, and if his own disciplinary record was anything to go by, trying to involve any kind of authority would probably just see her promoted to head of the journalism club. As he ruminated on how to handle the Nakano issue, Shiori seemed to come to her senses, and came wandering over to him, looking bizarrely pathetic for someone who had just floored two of her classmates without too much in the way of resistance. [color=c0c0c0]"It's fine. Whatever message you were trying to send wasn't gonna land with her anyway,"[/color] He admitted, taking a last drag from his cigarette, [color=c0c0c0]"Still, woulda been nice to get a few more licks in before she scurried off. Karma, and all that."[/color] With the last of his cigarette burning precariously close to his fingers, he flicked the still lit butt at Yun, and tucked his hands into his pockets. It was probably best to head home and get himself washed up before the old man realized he was back. Plus, the vibe had been thoroughly killed by their unwanted visitors, so he doubted there'd be much in the way of jovial discussion with his ginger companion. He turned to go, but as he did so, he spotted something in the grass. A pair of glasses, tragically left behind during their owner's hurried retreat. His initial instinct was to step on them. Just shatter them in a petty attempt to hurt the would-be journalist, in whatever small way he could. Glasses were expensive, and this town was pretty backwater. Maybe her folks would struggle to replace them, choosing between what few luxuries they could afford in this town and their daughter's sight. As he lifted his foot to bring financial strain upon the Nakano household, he got a better idea. Instead, he reached down and gingerly scooped them up, folding the still outstretched arms inwards. They were of more use to him in tact, especially if he could pull off what he was thinking of. As he tucked them into his pocket, the teen turned back to Shiori. [color=c0c0c0]"C'mon, I'll walk you home."[/color] He said, gesturing towards the park's exit with his neck before looking towards the only remaining interloper, [color=c0c0c0]"And don't you fuckin' follow, numb nuts, or I really will ass fuck you with that phone."[/color][/indent]