[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/69/3f/53/693f53bccb24c078eb720e112dfd6259.jpg[/img] [/center] [indent][b][sub][h3]Character Name[/h3][/sub][/b] [indent][color=1888BC][i]Virgil Hawkins Static [/i][/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][b][sub][h3]Age[/h3][/sub][/b] [indent][color=1888BC][i]16 [/i][/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][b][sub][h3]Attributes & Abilities[/h3][/sub][/b] [indent][color=1888BC][i]Virgil’s physiological ability is based on him being a bang baby status of mutant. Because of this, his body now generates electromagnetic currents Which he can and use to manipulate and control at various ways. He has been shown to be able to conduct electromagnetic energy that can both magnetize and demagnetize metal, generate electromagnetic fields, and even in certain cases levitate specific magnetic materials in the air for a prolonged period of time. Due to his electro magic abilities he has also been shown to hear and alter radio waves. His ability also gives him the means to access most mechanical objects powered by electricity without them actually being plugged in. He can also choose to use said electromagnetism to generate direct electricity as well. He can charge and drain electric current from electrical objects (Though he cannot store it.) and project this electricity in may way. Using it directly as an attack, projecting loose electricity into focused displays and constructs such as shields, projectiles, and even certain constructs. He can also cling to certain objects but this seem to be something he has not exactly got the HANG of it. However, with his change of physiology comes some prices, for one wood and electricity being insulators can be a useful adversary to his abilities. In fact, any form of electrical insulation can be used to contain and thus limit his ability. Energy absorption is also an issue, while he can generate electromagnetic energy he is not able to actually store it, meaning that he is fairly vulnerable to having said energy absorbed before and even during actual use. He has ability outside of his mutated physiology, specifically his intelligence. Though he tends to hide it, his knowledge of Mathematics, Biology, and computer science is quite advanced for a child his age. It is still raw and he seems almost…hesitant to actually use it in any mass appeal. However, to those who know him it is clear that it is more than just him getting lucky in his academics. This had led him to build his own crudge gadgets for his superhero needs and for other use cases. Such as a metal saucer which he uses for long range travel as a means to essentially fly. [/i][/color][/indent][/indent] [indent][b][sub][h3]Character Synopsis[/h3][/sub][/b] [indent][color=1888BC][i]Virgil Hawkins was born in the seedy City of Dakota. His mother, Jean a Paramedic for The Paris Island EMS and his father a former college football hero and current high School PE Teacher for Earnest Hemmingway High School. While Virgil was always and astute child, It was not something well chided upon by the mostly urban area of Paris Island. His uncle Teshome being the main influence and essentially his tutor. Due to the rising crime and gang culture of Paris Island, his parents and uncle felt cautious of still living on the Island but stayed due to their ties to the community at large who saw both as influential figures and keystones in the small urbanite area.. Virgil close with his uncle would spend most of his time with him at the park, playing chess and mostly just being a normal kid. However, one day when at the park to celebrate what would be his tenth birthday, a drive by shooting would break out. While attempting to protect Virgil, Teshome himself was shot and killed during the shooting. This event is what led to the Hawkings deciding to finally move away from Paris island to the more suburban area of Sadler. Virgil…did not adjust well. Due to the death of his uncle in front of his eyes, the boy slowly became more increasingly belligerent. His anger never really given a good avenue to actually let that out. His family just moving and settling into the financial stress that comes with it, was not actually financially or emotionally able to give Virgil the means to access what could help with processing this lost. So…his anger festered, and while his family was moved to the suberbs of Sadler. Sadler and Paris Island still shared the same school system…including the high school that Virgil had recently been enrolled in. The High School was his father’s own Earnest Hemmingway High School, which was slowly becoming a melting pot of Dakota City’s social classes. The Gangs of the Ghetto like the Paris Island Bloods was highly becoming influential, whilst their Rivalry with both the Force Syndicate was growing increasingly common and widespread throughout the school. This was where a desperate and Angry Virgil would find his calling. Virgil would become fast friends with Paris Bloods Ivan Evans and Larry Wade. Together they would become one of the more feared trios of the Earnest Hemmingway High School gang circuit. However, with the fatalities rising and the police crackdown on police brutality rising, A Meeting was called between the Bloods and the Force Syndicate to attempt a truce near the Paris Island Docks, with ALL of the members invited. Against his Parents orders Virgil and his boys would go ahead. While talks was Initially Positive with the Leaders of the Paris Island Bloods, Leonard Smalls and The Force Syndicate OG Only going by the name Wise Son and a Truce was eventually made. The police would break up the meeting on grounds of a sting operation setup. With One Party blaming the other the truce seemed to be immediately put on hold, with the officers using tear gas and other flammable material in an attempt to try and break up the fighting and soon to be riot. Only for a nearby storage facility to explode, the smell of dangerous tear gas was mixed with another disturbing smell. Virgil and Larry were able to get away from the increasingly dangerous cloud of smoke, gang members, and officers whilst Ivan was seemingly restrained by the police at the scene. This was called the Big Bang, an event in Dakota City which seemed to have wiped out a total of 100 Police Officers and Various Gangs of Dakota City. Thouse who did survive however, were left with…awkward mutations Virgil for his part had found the next day, that his ability had lead to him gaining the ability to generate electromagnetic currents at will. Not knowing who exactly to go to about it, He would attempt to accoust the services of what many called the neighborhood geek, Richard Stone. While initially reluctant seeing Virgil was not nearly as friendly to him (as Virgil was…almost akin to a school bully. He assisted on the promise that Virgil will give him free passes from the bullies that tortured him. [/i][/color][/indent][/indent]