[COLOR=SLATEGRAY][CENTER][sup][h1][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ndJxJSU.png[/img][/center][b][center] [color=black]W Y S T A N B L A C K M A N E[/color] [color=black] W Y S T A N B L A C K M A N E[/color] [color=85aabd] W Y S T A N B L A C K M A N E [/color][/center] [/b][/h1][/sup][/center][/color] [center][color=white]T H E W A T C H D O G ' S T R A I L[/color] [sup][sup]_________________[/sup] [color=lightgray] EVENING INTERACTIONS: Clive [Mantou's NPC Messenger] [/color] [url=https://imgur.com/Fr7mgaw]KISOMAN GUARD ROBES[/url][/sup][/center][hr][hr] [indent]After completing his last round circling the estate, the tall figure quickly made haste to enter through the royal estate’s backside gates. He issued a careful scan around the perimeter before he pulled out a whistle and blew into it. To untrained ears, such a sound would mimic the cry of a lone black crow, flying high and scouting ahead of its flock to hunt. To a select few, however, this would be their call to summon. In less than ten seconds, a cloaked figure in a cap swiftly descended from the castle’s roofing, landing safely on the ground with a light thud. [color=#85aabd]“Clive.”[/color] Wystan called for his messenger in an urgent yet hushed tone, his footsteps made silent by the effortless shifting of weight. Even the crunch of dried hay did nothing to threaten his effort of concealment. Across him, the other man tipped his hat in greeting, unable to hold his mischievous grin. At this specific time, the two men had made it just in time to meet right after the evening ball inside the royal estate’s private stables. [color=99B695]“Hoh hoh, well if it isn’t our little [i]Woostan[/i].”[/color] The dark-haired man in a cap cooed, placing a cigar in his mouth ready to be lit. [color=99B695]“Ya know, think it’d been better to schedule our hot date maybe about… ten minutes earlier? We missed a whole entourage.”[/color] Clive gestured towards the heavy carriage tire marks etched into the stable grounds. The watchdog clicked his tongue as he approached and narrowed his eyes at the capped man. A silent reminder that they would be leaving soon, and smoking while mounted was ill-advised. Clive rolled his eyes and stashed the roll away, satisfying Wystan before he bent down to feel the ground before him. Two things: Anastasia had left. Not only that– he could not find Callum in time before this meeting, meaning he had to have gone with her as well. Unfortunately, it seemed Clive was right in his assumption, and thus, they needed to formulate a new plan in consideration of the information at hand. If their information was correct, and more nobles were involved, then they needed to be as careful as possible. A situation like this meant that quite literally anything was possible-- titles be damned. The more he thought, the more his worry began to visibly grow. In complete silence, several long seconds passed as he glared concernedly at the ground. [color=#85aabd]“...”[/color] [color=99B695]“...”[/color] [color=#85aabd]“...”[/color] [color=99B695]“...”[/color] [color=99B695]“Are you… are you enjoying the view? Oh, no!”[/color] From behind Wystan’s shoulder, Clive’s head popped up, and as always, was determined to evaporate the last semblance of patience the bodyguard held for this evening. [color=99B695]“How’s that floor looking? Heavy damage? D’you think she’ll she make it–” [/color] [color=#85aabd]“Are you…–”[/color] [color=99B695]“Am Iiii?”[/color] [color=#85aabd]“...capable of shutting up?”[/color] [color=99B695]“You didn’t even say hi!”[/color] Clive clicked his tongue and tossed his hands onto his hips. [color=99B695]“Just ‘cus we saw each other this morning doesn’t mean you get to skip the ‘hi’, [i]Woostan[/i].” [/color] [color=#85aabd]“You could have followed them.” [/color] [color=99B695]“Well, sooooorry, I didn’t get that telepathic message from all the way across the royal estate.”[/color] The bodyguard sighed in defeat. [color=#85aabd]“...And who the hell is [i]Woostan[/i]?”[/color] Clive burst into quiet laughter, his stomach taking the brunt of the yogic damage. The messenger needed to hold onto it as he tried to compose himself. [color=99B695]“Heard big daddy Edin call you that when I passed by the ballroom earlier.”[/color] He snorted.[color=99B695] “Heh. Woostan. Cute name for their little watchpuppy.”[/color] A heavily-gloved hand landed smack dab on the messenger’s face to shut him up. [color=#85aabd]“...The tracks are still fresh. Mount your steed, and then we ride towards the bay. We cannot lose any more time than we already have.”[/color] [color=99B695]“Lllla~”[/color] All of a sudden, Wystan felt his glove dampen slightly. In less than a second, he pulled it back only to grimace in response. His expression deepened into a frown as he looked at Clive, whose tongue stuck out of his face in a raspberry. Without another word, the watchdog slapped his hand onto the messenger’s back in an attempt to wipe it off. The newly-dried glove found itself balling up the back of the capped man’s shirt in no time, courtesy of a slightly peeved bodyguard. [color=#85aabd]“Get on your horse. Now, Clive.”[/color] [color=99B695]“Fine!” [/color]The messenger groaned quietly and hopped on a horse with blond hair. On the opposite side, Wystan mounted his own black steed, to which the dark mare quietly huffed in greeting. [color=#85aabd]“Be easy now, Dusk.”[/color] The watchdog reassured his horse in a gentle tone, communicating that all was right, except that he needed her to move quickly. A few boot taps on the back were enough to relay this message. If they were fast, perhaps they could arrive in time before anything could happen. No-- there could be no ifs. They needed to be fast. Nothing should happen before they arrive. Tonight and always, the Danroses' safety was a top priority. [color=#85aabd]“We ride. To. The residence. By the bay. Clear?”[/color] Wystan narrowed his eyes at the messenger while he repeated the mission’s instruction one last time. At this, Clive tugged at his horse’s reigns and laughed, mimicking his friend’s frosty and uptight tone. [color=99B695]“Whatever you say, [i]Woostan.[/i]”[/color][/indent] [hr] [hider=Clive E. Swift] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/68jqsn4.png[/img][/center][/hider]