[center][img]https://images2.imgbox.com/a8/b5/xHNz9NyO_o.png[/img][/center] [hr] She wasn't so occupied with healing Onarr that she wasn't able to also take in the conversation that was happening mere feet from her. It confirmed more or less what she had suspected, though the details differed. Basics remained the same however: Princess discontent with her lot flees to the pirate island in order to escape from under the thumb of her uncle's tyrannical rule. The biggest surprise was mostly just the fact that she had no connection to the Maria Nera itself. Not that it mattered. Thrones passed hands all the time. She decries her uncle's cruel war-mongering yet she herself speaks largely of war. Each ruler uses the same language, speaking with passion and appealing to the crowd's pathos. In the end regardless of whether she reclaims the throne or her uncle marches on the world will continue on, unflinching as history churns forth. Trypano looked on at her and her plea for them to aid them with an expression that was plain and simply unimpressed. While her normal expression was flat and unemotive this feeling definitely bled through her calm mask, an expression that looked as though she hadn't slept for days but she wasn't any less well rested. Plain and simply put their team bumbled into a flat out ambush which could have easily been avoided had they not outed themselves immediately, all to rescue someone who was only in danger thanks to them. _ She cared not for the causes of royalty nor the promise of wealth. Two of theirs were dead, one more obviously so than the other. At least, that's what she thought. As soon as cannon fire rang out in the distance it alerted her to the presence of several ships out amidst the waters. Yelling through kinetic magic was Penny, previously MIA. [i]Oh good. Looks like while everyone else has been failing to maintain cover or make any decisive tracks towards finding the artifact Penny was off on her own doing a significant lot more it seems.[/i] Trypano placed her left index and middle finger against her carotid artery she scanned herself for magical tampering. She believed her growing irritation had a fairly self-evident origin but it never hurt to confirm by eliminating the possibility of outside interference. She quickly checked her patterns on a material, chemical and even bio-electrical scale, ensuring that they were all operating as expected, no anomalous patterns occurring within. [color=crimson]"Now that her attempted abductors are slain one of our three tasks is complete. Only the retrieval of the artifact and the slaying of the captain remain. The latter is optional."[/color] With that said she began walking away, looking out onto the scene of the battle and inexplicably moving towards the water's edge. [color=crimson]"Do not tarry lest we incur more casualties."[/color] _ And just like that she began to descend into the ocean, one measured step at a time, not even bothering to look at those she was speaking to before her head disappeared beneath the waves. Now underwater it was time to get to work. She started drawing the water in front of her while creating water behind her in a manner not dissimilar to her movement through the ground. She was able to move fairly quickly through the water, much faster even than she was through solid earth. As she neared Penny's ship she drew a circular hole through the side, right where she was about to enter. In a smooth motion the water forced her through the hole she had created, sliding across the floorboards as water splashed in after her. Now inside she simply turned and sealed the hole she had created, a flat mesh of wood fibers sealing off her entrance aboard the ship. With a light splatting of her wet feet she ascended from the belly of the ship, moist step after step, until she was upon the deck. It was not an unfamiliar place to her, the deck of a boat. She walked with firm confidence, as though she owned the very vessel she stood upon. She cast her stone cold gaze upon their previously missing teammate, head held high and eyes fixed upon her with an analytical stare. [color=crimson]"Debrief me. Short version."[/color] [hr] Interacting with - [@Force and Fury],[@Th3King0fChaos],[@dragonpiece] & [@Bork Lazer]