[h3] [b]O rphe[/b] [b][color=aba000]I'm[/color][/b] [b] P al [color=aba000]aza r[/color][/b] [/h3] [hider=Theme] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-L-cSWbvhQ [/hider] [i][b]'A name. What is a name? What friends and family use to call you, but when all such things are gone. What use is there for names? Perhaps as memories of times past, of better days in place far away yet at the same time... so very near.'[/b][/i] The hood of the raincoat was still up, as the wandering young man traversed his way towards the building which held the so called Midnight tournament. He had heard of this place before, a place where people who had the godsgiven gift, would compete against oneanother for the amusement of a crowd or money. Money. What use was money for the dead. What use was entertainment when you had none to share a laugh with. Nothing. The wet stone walls and stairs leading down into the ticket hall of the building was covered with colourful graffiti, of those who enjoyed displaying their works of creativity. But to Orpheuz, they might aswell had been whispers in the wind, for he passed them by without as much as giving them a second look. The door into the building was open, leading into a room which had a guy sitting behind a counter and a larger and older guy standing guard. [color=fdc68a]"The matches are already underway... but we are still selling tickets, you can get one for half-price."[/color] The young male sitting by the counter said in a very disinterested manner, barely looking at the water drenched figure before him. Same could not be said for the big bouncer, who carefully followed the hooded figure's movements. [b]"That is fine. What is the price?"[/b] The orange-eyed youngster asked in a very firm manner. [color=fdc68a]"Four Rheans."[/color] The young male at the counter said in a sleepy fashion, as the two changed money for a ticket. Orpheuz suspected the tired looking male wouldn't bother looking at the printing date of the coins. [color=fdc68a]"Enjoy the evening... let him in Brutus."[/color] The younger male said to the bouncer, who in turn opened the door leading further into the building, the music and voices were now reaching out into the room. [hider=Music] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--RFWXDr20I [/hider] Orpheuz didn't waste any time to linger in the ticket hall, and proceeded into the section where the party was. Money. Money was useful to the living, but was it truly something to really strive to live for. No. It was a means to an end at most. But there were things you simply couldn't buy... The midnight tournament did indeed live up to it's reputation, as there was plenty of fighting, partying and dancing going on. The current song being played did however catch his attention, where the graffiti had not. As he made his way through the crowd in search of familiar faces, he couldn't help but find the song awfully appropriate for his entrance into the lively den of nightlife. It did take him some time to pass through the crowds of people without bumping into anyone, but he managed to find himself a good vantage point at one of the top benches of the large room. It was from this point where he spotted someone he recognized. [b][i] 'Looks like fate is smiling on me at last...'[/i][/b] The seeker sat up from the bench and gradually made his way down towards what could only be described as a booth for the fighters of the tournament. The one whom he had noticed, was a girl who sported an eyepatch. Still wearing his black and hooded raincoat, the young man approached the booth and the girl sitting in it. [b]"Excuse the intrusion, we've never met before, not in this place... I am just wondering, have you seen the person in this photo?"[/b] Orpheuz reached his hand into the inside of his raincoat, taking out a photo, the kind one would get in a photobooth. How very old fashioned. Then he held it out to show the eye-patch wearing girl. Yet he seemed to hold onto the photo. The person depicted on said photo was a girl, no year older than Andras herself. Her hair blonde and long, her eyecolour however was hard to tell with her eyes being closed on the picture. The girl's attire would appear to be of the highest quality, befitting of a noble or even a royal. Orpheuz orange eyes were fixed at the lone eye of Andras, as if he was looking for signs of deception. The long green-blonde strands of hair hanging out of his dark hood. [b]"The girl in the picture. I am hoping you could assist me in her whereabouts..."[/b] The young man steadied his footing on the floor, his movement causing the two dogtags in his necklace to clash against each other. [b]"Through space and time, to find the one who shine... my Eurydice."[/b] Orpheuz averted his gaze from Andras and looked up towards the ceiling momentarily. [@Crowvette]